Reminder: 4 years from now, current generation iPads will be obsolete, forgotten, and in the trash

50  2019-04-03 by ants_ccw_permit

Nice strategy, nana


I'm sure there are dumpster divers in this subreddit.

Do (or at least understand) the bit.

2013 Nooks are timeless though.

something something 13 year old nook

you act like he couldn’t drop 200 a year on his filthy vice back then

What would it have taken to successfully groom you when you were a minor, Ms. Seed?

fiddy cent

Oh I was plucked out of high school by a modeling scout and got to travel the world and take my clothes off for international pervs. That's how done.

You are truly a woman of culture and class.

I'm starting a training program for aspiring female posters where they have to strip down to their underwear and stand in front of a panel of people critiquing everything that's wrong with them several times a day over the course of years. Thin them down and build character.

Looks like someone is gunning for an NAACP Image Award.

Poke fun if you will but she looked finer than a mug in that picture where she had a trenchcoat on

Can I apply to be a judge?

I don't know. Can you barge into dressing rooms full of perfect looking nude 16 year old models and only grab them by their pussies?

"this one clearly!"

red lobster gift card

Sizzler would suffice.

Chuck E. Cheese anyone?

man that means the one he bought self cutting girl is done, too bad

Yeah, but four years from now they'll be too old for him also. He did the math about right, for his purposes.

4 years from now, the current girls Ant is infatuated with will be obsolete to him (over 17 years old)

Thanks for showing your work.

Man that would piss me off.

Bitch did I get the right answer written down on that paper or not? Fuck outta here, asking how I got the answer. I'll text you how I didn't get it: learning from your teachings.

And the girls he gives them to still won't be of age to root and boot.