The guy who directed a GG Allin documentary and The Hangover made a Joker movie

0  2019-04-03 by crookedmile


Disappointed Joker doesn't try to shove a banana up his ads and then eat it.

“Whose hungry?”

This faggot has been Johnny Cash , a wigger now the gay ass Joker - all of the worst shit

When was he a wigger? Commodus, because Italians are black?

It was a movie called I'm Still Here

It’ll still probably be better than wigger joker Jared Leto

This could be good if it is psychologically disturbing and not some attempt to be funny.

i hate joaquin but this looks rad

As long as he doesn't whisper his entire dialogue

God I'm tired of the "every supervillain was a good person until the evils of society forced them to be evil".

First those shitty X-Men movies made Magneto into the co-protagonist. Then that steaming pile of shit Suicide Squad. Then Venom. Now Joker. I'm pretty sure there's a Doctor Doom movie in development right now, can't wait to see his painful upbringing that turned a pure soul into a bad person.

Some supervillians just want to destroy the city, kill innocent people, and mentally torture a superhero.

the concept is questionable but the movie itself looks interesting, like if it was ANYTHING else but a Joker origin film it would be great. The whole being beaten up by rando businessmen on the subway is a bit fucking dumb.

Well you can't accuse them of showing all the best bits in the trailer for this one.

They should have gotten that Nigerian brothaman to play the joker

I hate capeshit but this looks like the king of comedy so I'm actually interested in it.

GG Allin fucking sucks. The documentary was okay and more focused on his brother whose musical talent rivals brother Joe.