Someone find sue lighting pre tits and wig days and bombard nana with them to let him know who’s been actually feeding him

23  2019-04-03 by spolrak123


Do it yourself, lazy bones.

Are you 16 and not very good with the internet?

Actually I’m 30 and I couldn’t even manage to post it on the sub

I’m so stupid I made a post and I didn’t see it appear on the sub so I re wrote it as a comment on another post, now I just realized the post appeared this is how good I am with computers

You're probably still the most computer savvy guy at the jobsite.

Don't take it so hard, guy.

Sue's a sweet gal, there's no need to drag her through the muck to feed nana.

Sue seems all right for the most part, knew not to stoke the flames and probably never had much of a relationship with him beyond being his built-in therapist and occasional fuck like a lot of prostitutes do to old, pathetic men like AntH and Jim.

How the fuck are we gonna bombard him? Instagram? He's off Twitter.

Yeah we’ll all just text it to him stupit.