Fuck Israel

0  2019-04-03 by BearKingfromAirline


Wasn't the Irgun bombing the shit out of English targets in Palestine in 48? They were such savages they'd leave booby traps around the bodies so the clear up crew would die too -- I've never even heard of Arabs doing that.


didn't Palestinians take guns from the British to backstab the ottomans in ww1? so much for Islamic unity

can you MDE ass hats find somewhere else to post your unfunny bullshit

There's no place for the goyem in a Zionist state except serving the "superior Jew male". Get off the Jew dick already. Unless you yourself are a flithy kike, then please continue to ruin the US for your Zionist goals.

You didn't answer the question.

What’s the point that Christianity is the good one? Fuck off Christians are faggots too

yea fuck them for creating western civilization.

And Arabic’s created math, should I praise them every time I add and multiply? Shut up stupid.