This subs continued existence and the psychology behind most of its members, perfectly explained. Be sure to downvote the hell out of it so no one reads!!

8  2019-04-03 by IntlectualHomosexual

The more intelligent of you with even an iota of self awareness can’t argue with this. Arguing with the truth isn’t a possibility.

Go ahead, call me a faggot, pedo, talentless leech, spew your rhetoric... It only bolsters the integrity and proves undeniable definition toward what you’re about to read.

No matter how you respond, this is the reason for r/opieandanthony subreddits existence. 100%.


“I hate you.

I have only said these words once in my adult life, and I said them to the person I loved more than anything. As embarrassing as it is to admit, it was in my most recent relationship, and I am well past the age where I should be telling anyone I hate them. But in that moment, I did; he had knowingly hurt me on a level that elicited so much pain and anger, hatred was the only way I could describe it.

“You can not hate someone you first did not love. You hate them because you loved them, and you lost them.”

The details of what happened between us are complicated, as they usually are. But essentially, he launched an emotional warfare that ended in utter destruction- of us; of the kindness, compassion and respect we initially had; and of the person who he had fallen in love with. It was absolutely heartbreaking to watch someone I loved so deeply treat me in a way that I knew was making him hate himself. Because despite what I had said, that was the last thing I wanted. I wanted him to feel nothing but love from me, for me and for himself.

In the end, though, it wasn’t how badly he treated me that hurt the most, it was realizing he had arrived at the point of indifference. To me, this meant he was completely detached from love and hate. He simply didn’t care one way or the other. He could ‘take it or leave it’, and he chose the latter.

Author, Neal Donald Walsh, writes:

“All human actions are motivated at their deepest level by one of two emotions—fear or love. In truth there are only two emotions… These are the opposite ends of the great polarity…so it is that in the moment you pledge your highest love, you greet your greatest fear.

Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms. Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals. Fear grasps, love lets go. Fear rankles, love soothes. Fear attacks, love amends.” This is the only way I can explain it, why I could I feel love and hatred simultaneously. My hatred resulted from fear as well as love, almost a convergence of the two. I loved him completely, exposing myself, opening up, expanding, staying, sharing. But he did what I feared the most. He left. And when I knew he I was loosing him, all I wanted to do was attack and harm him. Ironically, this was my desperate last attempt to hold on to him.

Clearly, none of this is black and white. The spectrum of the shades and degrees of love, hate, and fear is wide and varied, but I do think all of these feelings are intimately connected.


[*I believe this dynamic can even be seen in people who harm others, whether they know them or not. At some point in their lives, they were hurt deeply by someone they loved by abuse, rejection, abandonment, or all of the above. If they lack the capacity to process their emotions in a healthy way, this hatred can result in cruel, senseless behavior against people who have nothing to do with the source. I am in no way justifying someone inflicting pain on anyone else, no matter how severe, but I can understand where that kind of rage might come from.*]

The moment you pledge you highest love, you greet your greatest fear.

Enough time has passed that hatred is not what comes to mind when I think of him. I hate what he did, but I know on some level that was not truly who he was; he was just battling his own fears. And in retrospect, I am not convinced those feelings of hatred were actually for him. I loved him and was afraid of losing him, no question. But I think the intense emotions that surfaced were because I knew I was losing myself, the person I should have loved the most. It was one of the most painful lessons I’ve had to learn, but perhaps the most important… learning to love myself enough to never question whether what I feel for anyone, or what they feel for me, is anything but love.”

No need for a thank you. You’re very welcome!


I need dick

Yeah, we noticed

You are so fucking funny Joe. Rationalize it however you want, but you admitted that your brother is guilty of grooming teen girls (which is absolutely a crime without having sex) and filmed yourself driving like the most detestable narcissistic human being on Earth while filming yourself and with your child in the back seat. We aren't the problem.

That usernames hurtful

"Spade" could be a surname. Subpoena blocked.

Damn, dis guys a lawyer asumptin

"All human actions are motivated at their deepest level by one of two emotions—fear or love."

Is he just lifting straight from Donnie Darko or was that pedophile in the film based on some real life retard? (Totally untrue and simplistic BTW.)

It's a fucking stupid stament anyways. All human actions are motivated by the need to procreate and the need to survive. Cartoony bullshit like this is someone attempting to be deep.

Whatever you say Plato

yeah eating a sandwich is either out of fear or love, what a gigantic fat fucking fool.

I took a shit today out of fear

Nah thats not it

Your retardation knows no bounds Joe.

YES! That’s why I’m here at all. Jimmy, Ant, Sam, Keith, pretty much everyone else is much smarter than me. They don’t see or hear you. Ever, anymore, at all.

You're all we need, Joe ❤️

Don't be so hard on yourself, Joe, you're only marginally more stupid than those retards.

Jim and sam are absolutely shit, no one gives a fuck about their awful radio show. As i posted recently, ant was on the radio (AM radio, because his career is in the toilet, but still, radio, for him) and Keith is bleeding his savings dry. Those are facts too.

You probably won't be able to see this, but your actions are indicative of a person with great shame. You should consider therapy.

Narcissism is a consequence of shame. It's an overreaction to painful and often humiliating memories. Often the person overcompensates with bravado or what seems like a certain "shamelessness" in their behavior.

That's because the narcissist's greatest fear is being ordinary. You need to either be the hero or villian in any story. That's why you make up dumb triumph stories on Facebook and why you keep coming back here. It's also why you feel above waiting in line, hence the driving videos.

I suspect you carry deep shame over your real experience (or lack thereof) in the military, being the brother that didn't get picked to star on the radio, and a lifetime full of lowlife degeneracy, theft, and generally abhorrant behavior.

So you bluster about with tall tales of handling turbulence better than those "regular" people before pointing at your unearned hat to feel like the movie war hero you like to imagine being.

It's all quite sad really once you recognize how lost and deeply ashamed of yourself you are. Living in your little brother's shadow is tough for anyone. But then when lil bro engages in disgusting pedophilic behavior and you have to keep defending him for financial reasons, the shame spiral just keeps going.

So so so so so so so so so so

Why hasn't Joe offered a snarky rebuttal to this comment?

Snark below

Oh yes, please do me a favor and physically take a dump on me? I’m so ashamed, I’d rather die smelling like your shit than continue living the horrible life I lead. How’s that? Did I pass the audition? You are way more off base than most of the people on this sub. But hey, just keep on being you.


My observation that you're riddled with shame (and that you wouldn't have the ability to see so) is way more off base than most of the sub.

So you agree more with the people that talk about your cow face, your neglected mother, your family's need to grab your sisters tit in every picture, your brothers grooming of young girls, your brother having a homosexual relationship with Sue Lightning, your potato peeling, and enjoyment of child spit; those are all closer than my little armchair psychology?

Anyway, the stuff I'm talking about in terms of your horrific life of shame is happening at the subconscious level. Your defensiveness tells everyone everything they need to know, no matter how good you think you're covering it up. That's what sucks about living in a world where most people are smarter than you; everyone can see all of your cards on every hand, but you're the only person that doesn't know it.

To be fair, we don't see or hear them either.


>Your retardation knows no bounds Joe



the admission we've all really been waiting for

Ha! Nerve.... touched.

Ha! Cocks.... sucked.

Ha! Dick.... touched.

Ftfy (ask your daughter what that means)

Daughter jokes, mom jokes, sister jokes, what are you...FIVE!?!?!? ...blah blah. They mean nothing to me.

In reality, the only thing you guys ever did to piss me off in the least was to get a few gigs canceled. Most of which, I was paid out for anyway... Oh, and my band mates weren’t paid, since the gigs were actually canceled (that’s in the employment contract I have with my band mates/employees). So, you effectively fucked people who had absolutely nothing to do with your original intent of fucking me. Hilarious! Right?

Your band is gay as fuck

No sorry, all married or with girlfriends. But if you’re waiting for a gay bandmember I’ll make sure I introduce him to you.

It's not a daughter joke, you dipshit, it's implying that you're too old and out of touch to understand internet acronyms. Keep proving what a dumb mother fucker you are.

Well, it sounds like you're the one that actually fucked them over. A decent dude would have paid his bandmates out.

That's probably why that one fake Bono wanted to kick his ass. Then Brother Joe got scared. "A police report has been filed. Never contact me again."

Unapologetically masculine manly man who makes fun of how weak SJW snowflakes wouldn’t have made it growing up in the school of hard knocks like him.

Business is business. Gig gets canceled, I don’t get that venue back dumbass. I’m to blame? The self-awareness around here runs pretty thin. I’m not known to be the most self-aware individual, but I have to laugh at your last comment.

Let me walk you through your scumminess, Joe.

1-Gig gets cancelled 2-You get paid anyways (in the full amount that the band would have been paid). 3-Your bandmates did nothing wrong, they were ready to play, they set aside time, and the gig was only cancelled due to you. 4-A decent guy would throw his bandmates their share of that money had they performed. 5-Instead, renowned dirt bag Joseph Cumia jews them with a technicality in their contract and keeps all of the money for himself.

You really are a piece of shit.

Wow. Everyone in your life must absolutely hate you.

No, not even everybody on this Sub hates me believe it or not. Everybody I keep in my life actually loves me. People in real life that hate me for whatever reason, I get rid of Pronto. So I have no one in my life that hates me

Were you doing this at 4 in the morning?



Will you debate politics with Patrick S. Tomlinson?

Pat would need a social media platform for that.

Nope. He’s a tool. I’ve made the mistake of corresponding with him. He might be the only fucker I hate more than you douchebags.

When was that? Sounds hilarious.

Ill bet i have an idea

I reached out to him re: his interaction w the sub. Just to commiserate and get some insight. I knew nothing of him other than he was the most recent recipient of the subs shit-show. He replied with a fucking cunty attitude saying shit like “we are born enemies” and “do not contact me ever again”... I basically told him to fuck off. The guys is a giant limp liberal dick. That’s one thing we agree on 100%.


To hate him you must have once loved him though, right? And vice versa, according to your pop psychology screed.

Got eem

Probably doesn't want you poaching his hunting grounds for child spit.

Remember joe, hate=love, you love us really, pop psychology idiot

Better luck next time.

hey joe you've been playing guitar longer than i've been alive but i make $35 an hour teaching music while you stink and nobody likes you


My hourly wage playing acoustic gigs is $100/hr. I must be doing something right. I don’t list my gigs anymore (for obvious reasons) and I still have a ton of work, ... my avails. Those who can, do... those who can’t, teach. Best of luck to ya!

but one person pays me $35 while a business selling overpriced drinks to upwards of 7 annoyed people pays you $100

can you teach me the fakebook versions of every u2 song

Those who can't create, parody!

Let's not ignore the size of that silverback in the room but you suck, you can't even get a gig as a house band,you are unemployable

Or made up stories. Your credibility is at stake here. Actually, you are representative of this entire sub Reddit. So keep talking.

You are a master of pompously saying nothing at all.

So you’re basically making $100-200 per night? You lug your dumb equipment around, get to the venue, set up, sound check, break, play, pack up.

You’re getting paid per hour, playing. You’re not getting paid for the time you spend on all that other prep. So break it down, you’re basically getting paid minimum wage for a full days work cos-playing as a liberal faggot band that hates Trump.

God, you’re idiocy knows no bounds, Joe.

Thank you.

Fatso was so shook by that AMA he went googling "Why do people hate me?". Fuckin idiot.

Take Fatso, Shook by that AMA and that last “me” out of it, and yeah, you’re right.

Take your mom, put her in a home, then never visit her and pretend she's already dead on social media.

Don’t forget to passive aggressively insult her for being a liberal in your Facebook eulogy.

You forgot to mention fingering her right through the closed casket. Yeah, no effect on my life. I have this place all figured out.

yo Joe, buy a real guitar & quit getting easily duped by Chinese Facebook ads, goddamn boomer.

I didn't forget anything.

what an utterly bizarre thing to say.

"Was so he went googling 'why do people hate?'"

Dennis is asshole. Why Charlie hate?



How many iPads for your daughter?

From Ant? One, This past Christmas. She’s very happy with it!

She won't be once puberty hits.

You sure hes capable of such restraint?

Well if Ant's marriage is any indication, he'll have to, he doesn't get a turn until Joe's had her first.

Neither will Anth

Joe, you've admitted Ant grooms young girls for sex by giving them iPads.

If he's given your daughter one, that should be cause for concern.

You guys think your inane babble actually bothers anyone? Look, I really know my brother, i mean... really know him. My family? it’s’s not what you make of it in your heads here, or what your literary hero’s claim it to be.

What you say doesn’t even register. No, I have no cause for concern at all. Anthony would be trusted 100% to watch Layla anytime, day or night. You’re really a little sewing circle of old ladies whispering to each other out of boredom and empty lives. Who’s Nana now? Jeezus Christ...L O Fucking L.

StarveNana, child

Anthony would be trusted 100% to watch Layla anytime, day or night.

Imagine needing to state this about your brother.

Imagine dropping your child off at a house that has guns in between the couch cushions

You’ll be pleased to know that Anthony now lives in a gun-free home. By order of Nassau County Superior Court.

"WHERE'S MY GUN!!!!!?!?!? FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

what you say doesn’t even register

Yeah that’s why you spent 10 hours replying to people, right? You pig brained idiot


Every psychology major skank I banged in college would espouse bullshit like this. Did you steal it from one of their instagrams? What sorority you rushin' Joe, you look like an AXO to me.

Frat boy. Ugh. Go do what you do best...over-drink, puke somewhere and leave those psych majors sexual satisfaction to guys like me. You know, like you did in college.

College chicks love 6'1" of pure fat. Just like Milla Jovovich.

I’m 60... not pure fat, just a bit of a paunch. Most of you fuckers are Josh Fonner clones, I’ve seen pics. Be honest with yourself, what do you think you’ll look like at 60? I’m really not doing too bad. Bit if a gut.. WTF can you do? 60.

You forgot to mention your luscious tits. Let's assume all 60- year old people have boobs.

Not all, just the lucky ones.

Those psych majors I was talking about were men.

That makes you gay sir.

You'd know all about that wouldn't ya cowpoke

yea, they always used to talk about you, and how you demanded they wear a trucker cap and dress in men's clothing


is that the fat girl sorority? there's always one

You’re thinking of Omega Mu.

Joe, when we listened to O&A show Ant was the one we wanted to become. He was funny as hell, charismatic, handsome and rich. None of us have any of those qualities. Neither do we have brothers. But Anthony does have a brother. Maybe that brother could ours and we could then feel little bit like Ant. We wished to have a brother as cool as Joe.

This is the reason why we 'pester' you, Joe. We just like to have your attention. At the end of the day we think you're kinda cool.

I upvoted this comment sir.

You took the bait, you fucking idiot. Does Big Apple Ranch cock push the brains out.

Bait? Wha?? Get some sleep. You’re delirious.

What the fuck is happening. Are seriously claiming it's not a bait? How could you know my intentions?

Sir, you are a mental midget. Go to bed.

Well you managed to be gayer than Joe's Tuesday afternoon at the ranch.

Serious question: How did you fuckers discover Big Apple Ranch? I only became aware of it through the sub. We all know it’s right on par with the subs fantasy about me enjoying child saliva... but who researched Big Apple Ranch, and why that particular homo-hole? Did one of you actually go there?

You know god damn well how it was discovered, you big lummox. So so so so so so what im saying is, give your love to a cowboy man. He's gonna love you as hard as he can, can.

Personally, I first heard about it when you shared a screenshot of your inbox.

Nigger don't act like you haven't watched the documentary

You posted a screenshot of your inbox on Twitter and it revealed you got an email from Big Apple Ranch asking you to verify your subscription

hey joe would you rather fight one joe-sized redditard or two nana-sized redditards

Two Nana’s. I’m even afraid of me. 6’1” - 230.

hey im 6'2 220, if we were the same race we could be twins!

Too bad you're not black

You've just described someone who is drastically overweight, why would you be afraid of that?

Stroke and heart disease are killers at his age

I fail to see what harm a stroke could do him

Probably chill him out some.

With his body type he’s a loose deck board away from death’s door.

You have the eyes and muscle tone of a veal.

“6’1, 82nd Airborne VETERAN, father of FOUR!!! Please let me buy you a Starbucks!!!”

Joe I'm the same size as you except 27 and not fat. The only person afraid of you is your faggot brother.

Joe, serious question, can you in all honesty say that you have ever made a woman orgasm?

Fooled me If I haven’t, They must’ve faked it pretty good.

Follow up question, will your daughter be getting on school on time tomorrow?

On our way in 30 mins. 30 miles away, needs to be there by 9:30. Gives me an hour to get her there. Sometimes the Long Island Expressway is fucked Westbound in the AM with commuters. Fact: She’s been “late” 10 times this year. Each “lateness” has been 5 minutes or less. School staff knows that I drive her back and forth 350 miles/week. That’s what a present and involved Dad does. She’s a straight A student, well adjusted....and bonus, her Mom and I have never seen a single day in family court. How many of you divorced dads can say that? Problem with this li’l fantasy land you keep here is this...You believe what you want to believe. It’s rarely ever the actual facts. Just the nature of your existence here.

Does a present and involved dad always have to break the law at 60 years old by speeding in the emergency lane while recording it in his cellphone? Why can't you people just behave?

Are you seriously bragging that she's "only" been late 10 times in 3 months? You realize this would get anyone fired from a job?

He is unfamiliar with the whole "job" concept

What you want? A cookie?

“We ain’t never been to family court!”

You ain’t suppose to go to family court, you low expectations having....

“Present an involved” - lol. Fucking deadbeat.

are they aware of your use of the "Joseph Lane"?

Joe fuckin rules dude, he's got his own lane!

is that the closest school lol

If I'm piecing this all together correctly... You're so incredibly undesirable to women that you were forced to wait til 49 to have a child... With a divorcée.. Who resembles a waterlogged and sunbleached football...who had two kids and a grandchild from that marriage.. And you decided to put all hopes of procreation into your admittedly dusty Low-T sperm and GWUNCWIWMDNEFEWASD eggs (Grandma who under no circumstances whatsoever I would most definitely never ever fuck, even with a stolen dick)

And yet you call yourself a responsible father after knowingly giving your daughter autism. Then bragging that at age 11 she gets straight A's in Colors and Shapes. No wonder you think so you're so incredibly brilliant if you're surrounded by retards all day. Just read one improperly capitalized and punctuated sentence of his to realize the only words he spells correctly are the ones he copy/pastes from

You're a special breed Joe, I'll give you that. Most people would've pulled their dick out of the hornet's nest by now.

Not really. I may have a thicker skin than most. You guys really don’t pack as much of a sting as you’d like to believe. All of the fuckers that ever fought you just took to ignoring you. I do that too, but it’s a cyclical thing. No formula to it, sometimes I just forget about the sub and don’t bother with it for months at a time.

You don’t have a thick skin, you brought up your “internet troubles” on The People’s Court. The judge had no idea what you were talking about or why you were bothering to bring it up.

I’d say go see a dermatologist but you don’t have health insurance so it’s straight (Anthony’s) cash homie.

More lies? Of course I have health insurance you dummy! The only reason I mentioned The sub at all was to give you women the thrill of a lifetime. Didn’t you get all warm and fuzzy? I know you did.

"Not only did I not cry at the dentist but I also paid cash!" You're such a man's man who totally has insurance.

"Sometimes I'll just get dark and Broooood"

Funny fuckers.... never a single upvote? Ever?!? What are you, afraid of me? -86 karma? THIS IS OPPRESSION! I AM OFFENDED!! I want some of that Reddit GOLD and shit!! Y’all treating me like a common house n- ... never mind.

You're not good enough to be in the house.

And I’m not hot enough to walk the streets. What’s a girl to do?

Are you drunk right now? You're acting more deranged than your brother used to on Twitter and that takes some doing.

I’m actually more lucid right now than I usually am when I tried to comment on this sub. In the past you fuckers would piss me off, then I’d want to find you and kick your ass. Since that’s pretty much impossible, I’m actually much better equipped now to participate in conversation. No matter how moronic you may become

pretty much impossible? Multiple people here have contacted you directly and agreed to fight. You backed down every time. Enough with the tough guy act. And quit cyber stalking ron perlman

gib me gord

No, this is obscurity 😂😂🤣. Welcome!

PS- A much better AMA right here.

Then don't delete it 14 minutes from now

Why did you get kicked out of the army?

I didn’t. Want to see my DD214? I volunteered at the Huntington NY recruiting office after quitting my job and breaking up with my GF at the time. Made squad leader and Platoon guide within 2 weeks in basic and AIT respectively at Ft. Sill OK. Received unit citation from the CO there. . Was honor graduate from Jump school at Ft. Benning GA. Went to the communications school at the FATC at Ft. Sill. 31V was my MOS. Tactical communication op/mech (learned to repair and operate radios) which after airborne training and placement with the 82nd Airborne Division became a 31V1P, which meant I got to jump out of C130’s with a radio strapped to my back. I worked the rest of my hitch at a motor pool at Fort Bragg NC taking care of radios in Sheridan tanks and remaining on jump status until I was Honorably Discharged. I signed on for a 7 year total contract. 3 years active duty, 4 years inactive reserves. While at Bragg I Took the PT and psych test for Ranger Training, passed them both, but they wanted me to re-up for 10 more years active duty to receive the training. I opted out because i didn’t want to be a career military man. I received my GED while in Basic Training.

Fact: I never peeled a single potato. Scrubbed a few latrines during basic, but so did everyone else.

Never saw any combat. I was In during peace time post-Vietnam and pre- Middle East. ‘79-‘82 active. Played music with a group of black guys in the day room during my time I was at Fort Bragg. Realized I wanted to play guitar for a living during that time.

Want to see my DD214?

Yep, because everything about that sounds made up.

with a group of black guys

See guys I'm totally not a racist!!!!

It has nothing to do with whether I’m a racist or not. When I get back home I’ll post my DD 214 here. No matter what you would like to project on me, I genuinely did play with a group of black guys. We played songs like my girl, spooky, heard it through the grapevine, knock on wood, and a whole bunch of other Motown hits. I shit you not. We got along famously. Hard to believe isn’t it? With the brainwashing you fuckers have been through having 405 members with an agenda pissing in your ear about my “violent white supremacist ways”. So fucking gullible


Still waiting on that DD214

so so so so so because you played black music with black guys, you can't be racist?

He played the skin flute

Played music with a group of black guys in the day room during my time I was at Fort Bragg. Realized I wanted to play guitar for a living during that time.

Just like Jimi.

Ayyy Joe was sparky. I was an 8404 Hospital Corpsman attached to a weapons company in 1st Marines.

Why did you delete all your answers on the AMA? Are you aware that they are still easily accessed? Also, nice essay, stupid.

Do you like putting stupid at the end of your sentence because it reminds you of little Jimmy? So predictable. That’s a good question. I don’t know why I deleted all of my answers. Maybe I felt like depriving you Of the opportunity to ridicule everything I said after agreeing to be honest and open. No matter.

I'm pretty sure that was Colin Quinn who started that shit, but whatever. As has already been said, deleting your answers is not enough to scrub them from the internet. They are still easily accessible, which is why asked you what you deleted them for. Ironically you gave me an opportunity to ridicule you for thinking I couldn't see your answers after deleting them. Good ol' Joe, you never fail to entertain.

What part(s) of Brother Beige's documentaries about you did you think were false?

I’ve never watched any of them in their entirety. But an example of beiges bad journalism: The phone “interview” portion of his latest” masturbiece” states that I drove drunk. Fact: I was on the ferry from LI to CT. It’s a 1.5 hour trip. I had 2 Jameson’s in that time and took the call from nana Media or whatever the fuck Jonathan from NY calls himself here. When we arrived in CT, I drove (completely sober) to our gig. The accusations of Getting Layla to school late, ever having struck any woman, peeling potatoes, being a white supremacist, and a supposed penchant for child saliva are all in it, I’m sure. All total fabrication. Beige pissing in the kiddie pool, all for your bathing pleasure.

Beige pissing in the kiddie pool, all for your bathing pleasure.

Ain't it fun?

so you had two whiskies during a 1.5 hour trip then drove? that's not sober

This fucking retard sets his alarm clock to shit post when sub is least active


We're ladies, but your body doesn't produce sufficient testosterone. Ok.

You’re still relatively young. I’m going to be 60 in July. Human male bodies start losing the ability to produce free testosterone starting in their 30’s. I’d love to see what most of you messes look like now, never mind what you’ll look like and how abused you’ll be at 60.

You’re not ladies due to a lack of T, it’s the fact that you’re mostly men and act like you have tits and a vagina.

What else did your doctor tell you to make you feel better about your useless nuts?

Wait, Joe's a big black buck, aren't you normally into those?

The size of the loads I blow these days? I choke you if I was injecting it into you Post-epiglottis

You’re somebody’s father. Think about that.


Quality over quantity. Probably diluted as fuck. Can we get your most recent sperm analysis results?

Now just imagine ant saying that to Layla


Nice fucking manifesto, I suppose you are going to shoot up a mosque now .

Right after the words shoot up I thought this was going to be a drug reference. Lots of you big on that shit around here

t. a crack dealer

Didn't you sell Coke to mulies, you brother and Roe?

Sorry, redundant

We prefer ingesting kratom around here, sir.

No way your mother wasn't shooting up when she was pregnant with you and Tranth.

Cosplay Joe got into his brother’s Xanax pile.

Anthony hasn’t done a single Xanax since Mel. If putting on a ski-cap before a U2 tribute gig makes me cosplay in your opinion, get a new opinion. Not like I’m in a Kiss Tribute. You girls are somethin!!

This guy's got more opinions than a.... opinion convention...

Haha holeeee shit ( 2 slaps)

Anthony hasn’t done a single Xanax since Mel.

Is that the 17 year old who took him to prom? Or was it the one he beat up and bit? Maybe it was the one who blew that guy to save a lobster that he wasted a decade of his life with. Was it your sloppy seconds that he married and had to pay big money to in divorce (think of all that allowance you could have had, Joe)?

Joe, you worried about Anthony? For the last six months or so, his face looks bloated and eyes are really puffy.

I just played poker w him this past Saturday. He looks fine in person. He’s Healthy. but you’ll never get to see that. You get the photo shopped subs version Of what ever they want to believe.. All smoke, mirrors and bullshit. All for your entertainment pleasure.

We see you two live singing karaoke. Are you saying that video adds pounds?

So he’s not on Xanax, what’s his designer drug of choice now?

We see him as he appears on HD professional cameras. Get your glasses rx updated.

"Ski cap" doesn't require hyphenation, you Donkey-Brained Bovine.

“You can not hate someone you first did not love. You hate them because you loved them, and you lost them.”

You're saying that Anthony first loved that black lady he had the altercation with in TImes Square(before he called her a n*****).

Likewise, you and many of your friends loved Al Qaida and Bin Ladin, before turning on them. They had a lot of support in in sub-saharan Africa prior to 9/11 - is that where you fell in love with them?

Your Comprehension stinks.

Your non-answers are hilarious. Continue typing them out feverishly while you cuddle up to your ugly old meth head looking girlfriend

Poor Layla. Imagine having someone this scummy and stupid as a father. Some of you won't have to imagine, particularly if your dad made a career stealing from vending machines.

My Father was a private investigator and a welder most of his life. Back in 1964 he worked a short time for a vending machine co. Yes, I remember him counting coins on the kitchen table when I was 5 That was to buy food for his family. and lots of free candy bars. A career? Hardly. Youre just adding more credibility to the “facts” that you keep bringing up here.

Layla is hardly “poor”. Nor will she ever be. I’m the best Dad in the world according to her. What you say means nothing.

She’s not poor because Anthony pays your bills. Also, where are these 3 other kids you talked about? Does Anthony pay for them as well?

Seriously, how does a 60 year old take pride in the fact that he is financially dependent on his younger brother? You Claim to be against handouts and welfare yet you receive welfare from your brother and don’t work, its almost as if you don’t have a shred of integrity or self-awareness. I wonder what the other Alt-lite retarded boomers would think about your brothers ‘family values’ and you being dependent on handouts.

How’s this for an answer? Like most things that you little old ladies discuss here, first, it’s none of your business. Has nothing to do with you. If I wasnt Anthony’s brother, Or I had hit the lottery by some other method, This wouldn’t be a discussion. Leads me to believe that envy and the need for you to be angry has more to do with it then your morals regarding another person’s work ethic. Pathetic of you if you think about it for a half a second. Is it actually because I made it public knowledge a few years ago? Does it bother you because I gloated about it? That seems more likely than the mere fact that I’m monetarily compensated without working for it. Plenty of people are. Like I’m an anomaly? It’s a common occurrence for millions of people around the world. Why your obsession With my financial situation?

Secondly, There’s Another Big point you’re missing entirely. I’m not financially dependent on my brother. When my business is not being fucked with by the assholes on this sub, (how hypocritical is that? Feel shitty for taking money from your brother Joe, but we’re also going to try to make you unemployable.) contrary to popular belief on the sub, I make extremely good money playing with my “shitty” tribute bands. If I were not paid another dime by my brother, I would do just fine. It just happens to be a lot nicer and easier with my brother Being a man of his word. I would’ve done the same for him and he knows it.

It’s not 3 other kids, it’s 2. Carol and I help out her kids by taking care of her Grand children who are right around Layla‘s age. Like all good grandparents do. You might get there one day. So, yes. I guess in some roundabout way my brother does help us take financial care of two other children besides Layla. Horrible thing to do huh?

The best part about all this is that I now know that you only mention this in an attempt to get under my skin and It doesn’t get under my skin anymore. It’s been too many years of the same old blah blah...totally inaccurate and mostly fabricated.


yeah that's why you just wrote four paragraphs about it

no you wouldn't, you scum bag. you would have weaseled your way out of it like the cum guzzling liar you are.

When my business is not being fucked with by the assholes on this sub

Not one of you is actually having any real affect on anyone. No one hears you. Nobody cares.

So which is it you big dumb retard?

Also learn the difference between affect and effect. You're 60 years old. Retard.

Yelling at my voice to text? Who’s the retard? Can’t get my gigs canceled with none listed. Actually you assholes have Affected my life, I don’t post useless FB or website ads for gigs anymore. That means less work for me, more corporate, private and acoustic gigs, none of which require advertising, I also get the satisfaction of frustrating the shit out of you envious fucks by taking your “play time” away, in EFFECT, AFFECTING YOUR USELESS LIVES. Feel privileged, I came out of obscurity to blow a big load in your eye. Now smile for the camera!!! Oh yeah!! That’s a good girl!!

Play time is never for fun for us than when you come out the woodwork to expose yourself bud. Please, never change.

"You guys fucked my career up to a point where my business opportunities are limited to things no one hears about. Now you can't fuck with my business anymore! I WIN!"

This is my favorite comment so far, this year. I pee’d a little.

Maybe I’m just very tired. Will read again tomorrow to reaffirm.

The image of you sitting in your boomer man cave dictating all this horse shit to Siri is truly something Joe. Thanks.

What’s your favorite bar in port Jeff?

That's all stuff Ant said on the air. I'm doubting you're Joe now.

Anthony was a shock jock. The sooner you idiots understand that, the easier it will be to understand what the truth is and what was said for shock value. My father worked for a vending machine company for a very short time in the early 60s. Those are the facts. Shortly after he quit that job, which only lasted for a year or two, he became a private investigator. I don’t care if you believe it’s me or not. Those are the facts

in a previous post you said for a short time in 1964, so which is it?

Did he investigate cowboy boypussy out west?

We know. Ant said that on the radio. That's where you heard it too.

So he reproduced irresponsibly, had more kids than he could afford, and resorted to robbing quarters from fucking vending machines to feed you before fucking off and leaving the family entirely. I gotcha.

Yup, that’s pretty accurate. That happened a lot back in the late 1950s early ‘60’s. He was 24 years old at the time. High school dropout with no trade skills. That’s why I did not have a child until I was 49. Saw the mistakes My parents made and decided not to make them myself. That’s why I laugh when people call me a bad father. To anyone who knows me and Carol and our devotion toward raising our kids and a happy and healthy environment, we’re exemplary parents and guardians. What do you ladies say here means absolutely nothing.

What was it the judge did to upset you so much on that People's Court appearance? She ruled in your favour yet you were insulting her and sharing her topless pics on Facebook not long after.

I suspect it was because she wouldn't let you ramble on about this place. You do realize she was trying to help you there right?

you're a faggot but fair play to you

Is speeding in the emergency lane while recording yourself and Layla on your phone "healthy"? You ARE a bad father.

At least your not or would ever support some worthless slob who doesn't know where his father was born

Could you prune that down a little?

Also we already know that we're emotionally crippled degenerate losers. If that's the point you're making, we already tell each other that every day.


hey joe why do you leech onto the veteran stuff so much while all you did was peel potatos in the army?

I have a real question:

If you hate liberals so much, why did you deliberately make it your livelihood to pretend to be quite possibly the most obnoxious liberal on the planet and sing all his liberal songs? Always wondered, please reply with serious answer.

Damn I was expecting to read something intelligent and interesting but this is the most basic bitch shit ever

It is longer and more literate than Permanently Suspended, though.

Lol this is actually Cumia?

This isn't Joe you morons, just a different faggot.

No, it is faggot Joe

It's pretty fucking obvious that it's not Joe.

Do you still receive a yearly stipend, Joe?


And as an adult male, you're fine with that? It doesn't make you feel impotent at all?

Fine with that? He gloats about it constantly. In his mind that money is like a stock dividend and he’s totally entitled to it. We’re talking about a man who barely generates any income that will look you dead in the eye and lash out against government assistance.

I wonder if they’re reporting all Anthony’s gifts to the IRS? Anything over 15k a year is taxable.

Hey, u/IntlectualHomosexual, you report your allowance to the IRS for the past 10 years?

Was it fear or love that motivated you to rape Dawn?

In all honesty I can not say I’ve ever raped my sister. Is this a personal fantasy of yours?

Yes, I'd love to rape your sister.

Plying her with drugs still count


I know I'm late to the party but I just want to say that you are an individual of immeasurable amounts of stupidity. It's fascinating how stupid you are without being in prison, a junkie and/or homeless.

Which logically would mean that I am not as stupid as you Wish me to be. It’s all part of the dehumanization process that you mentally ill combatants Need to embrace in an subconscious attempt to justify your abysmal, yet ineffective actions here.

yet ineffective actions

Joe, we tormented you to a point where you rageposted a Thought Catalog article from some woman explaining how hate is actually love

Thanks for illustrating how fundamentally stupid you are. How stupid do you need to be to not grasp the concept of logic? As stupid as you are, I suppose.

He still doesn't get it.

I am impressed by Google's Tunisian to English translation skills.

But Joe, no one is reading your unabomber missive. We've got Panera orders to fill.

yea, having a Psych Degree, I like to be told about it from the perspective of an actual Mental Defective

I like that you're still coming in swingin' every now and then, Brother Joe. I'm still waiting on the sub to bail on Opie and Anthony and start admiring you, hang in there dude!

Yes! I’m beginning to feel the love. Now how about some positive karma? Or maybe some of that Reddit Gold!! Ooooooh!!

I would totally give you Reddit gold, but the problem is... I'm a Redditor, so it's not like I can afford anything. That will never stop me from bashing millionaire online and calling them losers, though!! Hope you're having a good day today, dude.

OK gang! See you in another year or so. That is if you’re still around.

OK Joe 👍🏻

Enjoy lurking here every single day and fighting the urge to get involved. I'm glad we could help with this 24 hour therapy session you've just had.

And don't forget suppressing his homosexual urges

Yet you still replied 2 hours after you posted this.

You're addicted to the sub Joe.

Are you saying you love the sub if you have a strong hatred for it? Or did at one point? Nobody here ever liked you because you're so irrelevant but you're misinterpreting our hatred for laughs. This right here is the funniest shit I'll see all day.

Hey, u/IntlectualHomosexual, did you also want to fuck your cousin Jackie growing up, or was incest more Anthony's thing?

Hey, u/IntlectualHomosexual, when Anthony finally found his gun where was is it?

Yea but y u gay tho?

It’s fun living in your head rent free dude

Who is the "he" referred to that Joe was in a relationship with that he told he hates? WTF does the rabbit hole have no bottom with this sick family degenerates? Joe just say you like dick, our brother is a pedo and you guys raped Dawn this all can end for you.

you dumb fucking ox

What the fuck just happened? Hahaha

None of this changes the fact your pedophile brother will be dead from the booze soon and you’ll have to get a real job. Do your daughter a favour and let her mother raise her. You can only bring her down. No child should suffer through being a Cumia.

And your mother’s a whore.

Joe should hire Shareblue or discord trannies to shit this place up.

W0W you're gay! LMAO

What a psychopathic family. At least they’re old enough and destructive enough that Anthony and Joe will be dead soon.

4000 words when maybe 40 would suffice. Typical Joe.

You’re a faggot who drinks child spit

You’re a self hating gay black pedophile

Can I give you an actual interview to post here? I promise you’ll be given actual questions and your answers won’t be edited.

Joe we don't love you. We have no reason to give a shit about you, you just have funny reactions you absolute fucking delusional retard

The real delusional one here is you thinking that I THINK you love me. It’s the same blah blah blah, every post, every hour of ever day. You paramecium think your every post is your “shining moment”. Understand that No one hears you. Even your co-subscribers only acknowledge you with a dopey upvote or downvote. Ive seen little to nothing of substance here. It’s the very definition of insanity, the same nothingness every day. Nothing changes, NO ONE CARES. You affect no one, not even each other. That’s the truth sir.

What's your next couple gigs then tubby?

"Affect no one" says the man who has had to hide his social media, complain about weak Irish Coffee's and rude staff, then go back and praise the establishment after his comments backfire. Not to mention you've spent hours of your time engaging the very group that enjoys watching you make a fool out of yourself.


But please, keep engaging- the past couple days are more entertaining than anything on that toilet bowl of a "network" your sugar daddy (Nana) has on.

Yeah, yeah...Blah blah blah. Same old shit. You define SM and you suck. I only hide it from you, because you suck. Get it? You’re the tool bags that NEED ME. When I quit engaging you, you’re bored again. Who needs who? You think I give a fuck about one shitty acoustic gig? You’re guys really are laughable dipshits

You really are a national treasure of stupidity! I sincerely hope you stick around the sub (not like you have anything else to do lol).

Jesus christ you fucking retard dont you get that the more you engage us the more we're going to fuck with you? You and your brother endulge in ridiculous self-destructive behavior that you only have yourselfs to blame for. Keep using this subs ridiculing of your white trash family to fuel your hatred. It only makes it more entertaining for us.

For us to Engage you, That’s what you want, isn’t it? Your perception of self destructive behavior is warped at best. Self destruction is more akin to taking copious amounts of your time and devoting it to plotting a way to fuck with a total strangers life.

Understand this: We have no hatred. Hatred means that you wish ill will on someone. You guys find your ill will all by yourselves. Depression, opiate addiction, confused sexuality, anger issues envy and jealousy push you to a place that Ant and I have never had to go.

Ant has always entertained you. Sometimes at his own expense, other times not. Now? He just ignores all of you. Entertaining, isn’t it?

I would akin self-destructive behavior to alcoholism, biting and breaking a womans rib, angrily tweeting out racist shit and continuously suffering the consequences for it such as losing your high income job over it as well as your twitter account. Should I go on? Ok how about filming yourself driving like a fucking moron while endangering your child passenger, or showing up live on television and bringing up shit no one asked you about so you can vehemently deny that you're a pedophile while also ousting yourself as a racist shithead. There's plenty more I'm sure. 90% of us on here just like to laugh at you two retards for the never ending circus that is your lives. The other 10% do shit to really fuck with you like cost you gigs and report you online. I wish I could say I feel bad for the two of you but your brother has turned into such an unlikable hypocrite (also in all likelihood a pedophile) and you're an insufferable leech who likes to play dress-up and bullies his little brother into paying him once a month.

Job loss, arrests, court mandated rehab are not destructive behavior? Do you still wear a Sons of Anarchy costume when you pedal around on that HD knock off?

You’re all mentally ill.

Then why do you give us attention? Just forget about us and go back to the ranch and continue furiously sucking dick and smelling farts.

subbreddit's, not subreddits--you fucking retard.

didnt read this all the way but it reminds me of u/rapistwithissues


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"Spade" could be a surname. Subpoena blocked.


To hate him you must have once loved him though, right? And vice versa, according to your pop psychology screed.

Bait? Wha?? Get some sleep. You’re delirious.

Then don't delete it 14 minutes from now

Why did you get kicked out of the army?

You’re still relatively young. I’m going to be 60 in July. Human male bodies start losing the ability to produce free testosterone starting in their 30’s. I’d love to see what most of you messes look like now, never mind what you’ll look like and how abused you’ll be at 60.

You’re not ladies due to a lack of T, it’s the fact that you’re mostly men and act like you have tits and a vagina.

Probably doesn't want you poaching his hunting grounds for child spit.

He is unfamiliar with the whole "job" concept

No, not even everybody on this Sub hates me believe it or not. Everybody I keep in my life actually loves me. People in real life that hate me for whatever reason, I get rid of Pronto. So I have no one in my life that hates me

Or made up stories. Your credibility is at stake here. Actually, you are representative of this entire sub Reddit. So keep talking.

"Not only did I not cry at the dentist but I also paid cash!" You're such a man's man who totally has insurance.

Dennis is asshole. Why Charlie hate?

You’ll be pleased to know that Anthony now lives in a gun-free home. By order of Nassau County Superior Court.