You see this? That means not welcome!

30  2019-04-03 by Trenchunit


Joe stop being a pussy

Just fucking stop incriminating yourself and your brother and be a normal guy. You're such a piece of shit but for no reason we are trying very hard to take pity on you and forgive you your sins.

And you get so close and then you regress and start pretending you aren't you again. You're like a cowardly snail.

Come out of your shell, stupid.

You see this? It means not gainfully employed!

You see this? It means not a pedophile!

Imagine wanting to be a successful musician while also showing off your swastika shirt. He's unemployable without us trying to get his gigs cancelled.

Please make this the first image that comes up when you google him.

You think I'm going to let you come in here and fuck, then beat my mother?

He really cheaps out on equipment. Chinese guitars, cheap monitors, cheap controller.

I get that the Compound logo was supposed to look like a crooked swastika ironically but it’s a fucking crooked swastika. What a stupid decision. I mean, clearly you are having trouble getting guests anyway, judging from the garbage you book. Why make it harder to grow an audience or land guests or sell merch or market your show? It’s like getting busted for domestic violence, and it causes you to lose the best job you’ll ever have, and you have to rebuild from scratch, and your marketing involves a picture of a man’s hand slapping a woman’s face. It isn’t defiant, isn’t cheeky, it’s fucking stupid.

so so so so so if you wear something that intentionally almost looks like a swastika then you are a white supremacist? Does anyone else have any questions for me?