New downvote arrow for the sub?

109  2019-04-02 by GunClubVRMod


You’re like a sculptor who can see the art beneath the marble.

Haha thank you.

Aren't you that SamRobertsPhiltrum guy?

aquiline nose

Hahaha. It took me a minute to understand what I was looking at here. That’s great.

The photoshop was overdone but we did get some use out of it.

A slice of pepperoni pizza would work as well

Nice jew beak stupid.

It's a real (((schnoz))).

Nice $10 PD shirt stupid... I’m sure that donation will make the officers on scene look the other way to a felony.

He supports our brothers and sisters in blue.

Also, our brothers in dresses.

And of course, brothers in cosplay.

Sure he does.... he’s a career criminal from birth. So if you’re say he supports PD by giving you more runs then I agree.

OP should go into stats. Pulling bullshit patterns out of nowhere that don't exist

I got a 5 on my AP Statistics test.

Can I counter by telling you about FBI crime statistics about black people for 3 or 4 hours?

Imagine being in the girls locker room and spot this sticking out from the doorway.

If I'm imagining myself in a girl's locker room I'm fucking all of them, not thinking of anything else.

I don’t have to imagine being in the girls locker room.

Ant looks like the anti-jewish propaganda the Nazis used.

That nose...