The factbtjat Jim thinks confidentiality in AA means he can't say that he goes to AA is enraging on a level that I can't even explain.

51  2019-04-02 by donkeybongers


So enraging I couldn't spell properly.


Dude I was so angry at my chick that I went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. At that point I said you need to leave, it was really dark man... so your wife was brutally murdered? Go.

God I fucking hate that little faggot so much.

He thinks he's quite good. Honestly.

Former wife? Ex wife? Dead wife?

11th tradition, dude

I bet you've caused a scene at a meeting or two

I'm banned from one clubhouse in Ft Lauderdale


ewww. they really call it that? it's just a room full of miserable bastards no matter what they call it.

I'm sure they get scared & ban anyone even slightly interesting.

He uses AA as a status symbol. He wouldn't even bring it up if he really believed in confidentiality. Classic worm - I'm part of this thing that I can't talk about.

"Enraging? Do you always mimic lil Jimmy's phrases, or just today?"

I thought of that faggot the moment I typed that.

Sure you did baby boy

Good observation stupid.

No need to motherfuck the guy.

It’s a tough one, man


I would tell you if it wasn’t.


Enraging? Do you always mimic lil Jimmy's phrases, or just today?

He saw Fight Club once in '99 and has wanted to be a member of a mysterious, secretive club ever since.

One of only four movies he's seen in his entire life; no wonder it had a profound impact on him.

If he never saw Dog Day Afternoon he probably wouldn’t be a pervert.

Is American Psycho one of the four? I think Jim's taken a lot of pointers from that film, specifically Bateman's apartment and personality.

"My name is Jim Norton, I am 57 years old. Every morning I eat egg whites and don't do sit ups, my female personal trainer says that women aren't attracted to muscles."

Heard him say on his UFC a female fighter..."I'm not a fighter but I have tendonitis in my don't wanna know what that's from", no she doesn't your half haired little troll

Do you not see the joke there?

Of course I just isn't funny... definitely not hearing it from him, for about the 80th time... especially now that he is an old perv instead of just a regular perv...a joke about jerking off is the epitome of sophomoric

epitome of sophomoric

my mistake I thought the person I was talking to wasn't a homo

No mistake here, I'm well aware you are.

>no u

Get a room, you two.

Who the fuck is soft homo ric?

It wasn’t subtle.

It's just a weird thing to point out. Seems like that guy still tunes into Baby Boy so much and listens with such intent he can pick out a throwaway joke.

Well, I would think he pointed it out because it something we’ve been talking about a lot here recently, the way that Jim basically has four jokes and repeats them over and over. We get a little repetitive around here ourselves. As for why anyone is still listening to Jim and Sam, or Jim on his other show, I can’t say. I wanted to listen to Jim and Sam, and I did, I just couldn’t hang in there. It was so terrible. I don’t blame anyone else for listening, radio is pretty much dead, so far as terrible as they are they are probably better than most shows.

"Pick out" a joke? It's not a fuckin puzzle you idiot.

I heard someone else talking about AA confidentiality & they said something semi-reasonable, but whenever Jim talks about it he sounds like the most illogical pretentious stupidity I've ever heard.

I think it just means that you shouldn’t say you saw some faggot named Patrick there talking about his drinking getting out of control after his preganant wife left him for someone who wasn’t a faggot.

The anonymity part just means you don't have to disclose your full identity in meetings if you don't want to, and the confidentiality consists out of not gossiping on the guys that do. It's not 'omerta 4 lyfe' or whatever Jim likes to pretend it is.

Nice factbtjat, stupid

did you listen to the jim norton advice show? this came up almost every episode.

EWWWWWW are you a fucking guy...EWWWW! Are you a fucking guy in a place that supposed to be anonymous (which I've never mentioned the name of on the air) fucking referencing it like that? Oh, you fucking old man. Fucking DROP DEAD!

What amazes me the most is that for somebody who struggles so much with not using drugs or alcohol he has not relapsed even once in the past 20 years or whatever. Like I think youve recovered from that one summer of drinking wine coolers when you were 17 you fucking phony.

It's a daily struggle man.

33 years.

AA absolute asshole


He and Nikki six really had some wild years

What is "factbtjat"? And what's the deal with posting a sentence that clearly needs commas, but doesn't have any?

The cephalopod treating AA like it's the fucking Freemasons will never not be funny to me.

That sounds like the kind of stupidity someone who only pretends to go to AA would come out with.

Some chapters do request that you keep your own participation anonymous. But he’s a stupid asshole for plenty of other reasons.