REAL AMERICA > Hollyweird

22  2019-04-02 by crookedmile


If you've ever used the word 'Hollyweird' it's the death sentence. Why are they so weird, Joe? Likely his answer would be Muslims or Chinese Communists or some other gay fucking shit.

Why are they so weird, Joe?

Because Hollywood is filled to the brim with literal liberal faggots who revel in degenerate behavior.

Wouldn’t some same New York City is a liberal place?? What kind of argument is Joe trying to make here.

He thinks he is one of them.

Joe stalking Ron Perlman is underrated for how bizarre it really is.


Hes butthurt over the fact that Ron played a racist biker on his favorite TV show, but is actually a leftist in real life

It doesn’t get much more boomer than this

He’s like a jaded ex girlfriend.

This guy really felt the need to tag James Woods and the president of the United States in his weak attempt to troll an actor who doesn't even care enough to block him.

So let’s see, Ron Perlman is a LIBTARD in part because he criticizes places like Kentucky where there’s still lots of racism, and these are REAL AMERICAN VALUES?

I hope one day this dumb wop realizes the irony that Kentuckians feel the same way towards Italians as he does towards black people.

Elvis country: Anywhere there ain’t no Jews, or Italians.

Another decisive win for Joe Cowmia! Now put that in your pipe and smoke it, Hollylibcuck!

I cant believe he actually wrote that shit, responded to the same tweet twice, and tagged a bunch of assholes, a hashtag, and the president. In response to a guy saying that he was having a nice time in Kentucky.

When you just lay it out like that you realise how dumb and unhinged he really is.

It's the LIBERALS who are unhinged - guy who just spent 3hrs ranting at liberals on the internet

Wrong. Perlman is exactly what you dolts profess to despise almost as much as you despise me. He’s Patrick Tomlinson with a bigger Twitter following. Hypocrisy fuels this sub.

Shhhhh back to obscurity

You're an idiot. No one here hates fatrick because of his political views, we hate him because he's a faggot. I love Nick Dipalo and despise Anthony despite both of them being right wingers, ones a decent person and the other is human garbage.

I don't believe you're really Joe Cowmia. Prove it by posting a picture of you peeling potatoes.

Your retardation fuels this sub. And we've got an unlimited fuel supply.

Perlman is exactly what you dolts profess to despise almost as much as you despise me.

What would that be, gainfully-employed, financially-independent, and heterosexual?

Stop cosplaying as a Republican with conservative values. You're too poor to be Republican and you freebased cocaine with your own mother

Only snorted. Once.

Stealing, swindling, manufacturing, selling and using crack cocaine, broken home, lazy mooch, constantly threatening gun violence... Joe is the niggest of nigs.

he # tagged a bunch of faggots. James woods is ok though. Huge cock.

Do you mean James "like 2 beer cans welded together" Woods?

If Joe loves the REAL AMERICA so much why doesn’t he move there rather than live in New York, the hotbed of liberal douchery on the east coast?

Is it because he can’t move that far away from his lifeline, or is it because he knows those REAL AMERICANS would hate his guts for being a greaseball Italian and for being a loudmouthed yankee moron?

war hero joe just tellin it like it is. the commies here recoil in fear from joes truths..i certainly dont

joe "family values" cumia is what they call him. i get it joe..keep on rockin

I live in Kentucky and a man of Joe's skin color would not be tolerated here.

Reminder that Joe lives in a blue state with high taxes and strict gun laws, that he and his brother bitch about constantly but which he won't leave because he needs to be close Anthony to collect his allowance

That's quite a drop in influence/status going from POTUS to Fred From Brooklyn.


When you just lay it out like that you realise how dumb and unhinged he really is.