Film yourself raping a child and then brag about it? If you're a Zionist, just call the tabloids to come take pictures of you and your wife. Case closed.

0  2019-04-02 by xxxxxxxxx9xxxxxxxxx


thats really low

even for him

Rob Lowe is a Zionist?

anyone who pays taxes is a zionist dumb dumb

Technically, yes, paying taxes supports the ZOG, but Rob goes above and beyond.

Go after Spielberg before you go after the lowest hanging fruit

Has Spielberg bragged about how he filming himself raping a 14 year old girl?

he didnt brag about what happened to Heather O’Rourke. he just glorified pedophilia in Big, and Hook, and AI

plus hes way more powerful than Lowe, why prune the pedo tree instead of going after the branches

Sure, but you realize we can't stop or take down any of these people, right? So I'm just making fun of the guy who has been in the headlines.


And there are producers far worse than Spielberg. A few of them, including Bryan Singer, ran company to create kids entertainment on the internet... that in reality was just used for him and his buddies to find rape victims. Everyone pretends it never happened, but the company and those involved have countless ties to child rape (

way ahead of you man

i tell anyone i can, but most people dont want to see

this joe biden thing, they are ignoring all the little girls he touches like grown women

share this video,they are burying it with him being “overly flirtatious” to women

fucking ped


Married to a Jew. Cries that people are being anti-semites

This isn't news. Everyone affiliated with Hollywood is a child raping Palestinian baby murderer.

Except for Owen Benjamin.

affiliated with Hollywood

he was in House Bunny, child.

The movie from over a decade ago?

Also if they offered him House Bunny today that fag would push his baby out of the way to sign that contract

But how is Anthony affiliated with Hollywood?

no he's just a pedophile who is unsuccessful. Thas diffent.

Why is he fucking that fat, wrinkled Tara Reid

It's a cover. The media can pretend he's with her because he loves her and looks don't really matter, but in reality he has never once has sex with her and rapes kids instead.