Tranth to do an AMA here, Thursday at 8pm

0  2019-04-02 by Butt_Fuck_Champion

Spoke with Pizza Face and he’s planning on doing an AMA


There's only one question to ask: why are you a tranny-fucking pedo?

Pathetic, if true

Is he.

I mean it’ll never happen, but if he did do you think he’d gain at least a little respect back?

Joe did an interview where he came across as mildly decent and half the sub was ready to suck his dick.

I was on the other half. Fuck Joe, i mean fuck Ant too...but at least he was funny once.

This. That was beyond pathetic. Even for this place.

To err is man. I forgive everyone who did that so I don't spend time hating anyone, except Joseph cumia.

Just how tight is sues boy-pussy

I’d do an AMA. Having figured you fuckers out, there’s no way to win against an anonymous goon squad aside from ignoring you, so I’d just answer your questions honestly. No shit. I’d do it. Only if you want it. Not looking for attention, just some clarity.

"[I] figured you fuckers out, there's no way to win...aside from ignoring you...[I'll] answer your questions honestly." FUCKING LOL, never change you stupid, bovine eyed gunsel.

Take me to Starbucks

Omg do we have to create alt accounts so we dont get banned and why not create more than one it's like firing a musket when you can get a six shooter