Nice joke, fatso.

62  2019-04-02 by DentureChomp1488


Fuck this chubby mess and his faggot abacus.

Faggy abacus are the two best words to ever be paired

Notice how he’s also gesturing the height limit of the girls he fucks?

It’s bad enough that he thinks math jokes make him profound and thought provoking. He’s a child fucker too.

Next to Faggot Penis

I can’t stop laughing lol

Read the joke in the OP again, that should help

Paulie’s ‘I’m gonna choke a puppy’ face is enough, but i’ll look it up.

then she said I couldn't do that, so I multiplied it by my own weight & the calculator broke.

"then I fell down the stairs and my shoes fell off"

Aunt Bunny fell down the stairs!

He has a body like a felt pen

God damn is that good.

Calm down

Ok then, it stinks. Happy, stupid?

Take it easy


His post history at u/patrickstomlinson doesn't seem to have been mined for gold.

He made an actual racist meme where Ben Carson turns into Obama.

They all look alike, child.

No real argument from me but it can be used against him.

my god his ama brings me so much joy... he is such a delusional wordy he has to be all of the faggits asking himself those questions in the ama .im betting he started panicking when no one was asking him shit. there is no way he isnt devastated to be off Twitter after reading his replys. im kinda thinking he should do a new ama sometime soon. i like to ask him about reciept collecting and how that expands his creative writing process and if that translates to his standup as well.

He posted hundreds of these shitty meme quote pics of his own comedy all over reddit and got no traction with this garbage

Except the one that he bought the upvotes for, which got it attention, but then it had scores of commenters saying how weak it was. here

His AMA has 32 comments including his answers. And some of the questions obviously came from him on a fake account.

My wife won't let me around my kid AMA

If you were intent on trotting out this shitty joke, wouldn't you want to do the setup and then put the irrational part at the end?

And if we're going pretty cheap mozzarella sticks we're at 5 bucks an order. Times that by 8. Lard ass is tipping less than 2 bucks on a $40 tab to a girl who possibly relies on tips to survive. A shit person and a shit author

Like Tom Myers, this joke relies on a complete misunderstanding of how society functions. In this scenario, I assume he's writing the tip on the credit card receipt, but then showing it to her for approval? Otherwise you just leave a tip.

The only way for this joke to end is for a margarita to go sailing over the crowd and deform his malformed baby head.

Might want to workshop that joke, stupid

Then I ordered a pie for $3.14 and stuffed my fat fucking face with it! Math jokes! I'm smart and this is funny!

Too Real™️

Then i just settled the tab by giving the owner some golden fell(r)atio

This pig loves Futurama, I bet.

As a math nerd, I can confirm that this isn't funny at all, on any level. Embarrassing.

Then explain why .9 repeating is equal to 1, nerd.

It's similar to another ancient math joke too (he based his shit joke on this one). Pi and i are arguing, i says "You're irrational" to which pi replies "Be real.". Whamp wump.

She says he's being irrational because there was something wrong with the bill, and he retaliates by tipping her $1.41 (the square root of two, which is an irrational number). It's like he's writing jokes backwards.

It would make sense (but still not be funny) if he had tipped her $1.41 and she said this was irrational. But that would make HER the clever one.

Also the setup is that he was overcharged on something, so his solution is to tip her weirdly. He's just a gay sociopath.

I can't get over how he is making all of this up and still fails to make it funny, interesting or witty. It's obviously not a real thing, so why not make it funny or at least understandable? This is what their interaction would have looked like:
P: WHAT THE FUCK this is wrong ARGH I'm going INSANE!
W: Sir, you're being irrational.
P: Here's your tip: $1.41!
W: You can for some reason not tip me that amount.
P: Then divide it by zero!
W: OK, I'm getting the bouncer you tubby piece of shit.


I can't help but ignore he said "tab," which is something you typically say about ongoing credit at a bar, not what you owe after a single lunch, presumably alone.

Just imagine a more competent comic leading into it, he would at least devote a sentence to the situational setup and maybe give an example of his weird server.

Oh damn, you're right! Tab, not check. He's a rambling drunk, arguing with the bartender.

It feels like he's trying to emulate Stephen Wright and his surreal misdirection jokes. But he's just trying to look likeable and smart instead of funny and weird.

By calling himself "thestealthygeek" is he trying to imply that he's a geek but no one would know by just looking at his cool appearance?

Oh he's like a ninja. Completely unnoticed

That's exactly what he's implying. Just looks like a big buff (not fat) dude, tcb on Milwaukee's burgeoning entertainment scene

He's a closet geek like he's a closet homosexual

“A Non-Stop laugh riot”-said Nobody

idk man from this photo you can tell he's a real intellectual


He’s like the human embodiment of every comment on default subreddits rolled into one fat person.

People like him is why bullying is so important. Early and often.

Anyone who has actually posted a 'Stand Up Shot' needs be be dragged into a warehouse and tortured to death by the Islamic Caliphate.

This is what the people calling us Incels look like.

And they fuck pigs even incels wouldn't touch. It's like bragging about being an award winner when it's just a participation award.

wow he must be a math genius

This man needs to have a mental evaluation done PRONTO. There is something wrong here.

I love that it's a variation of stills from two stand up performances he's ever gotten pictures of himself at, because he does it once every 9 months and goes "oh yeah, I'm a stand up comic."

Math yumor

This is so obviously a joke written by somebody who's only been on stage a maximum of five times per year. If he'd actually performed it enough times he'd realize that it never doesn't bomb and quickly drop it. Is there anything about this "man's" persona that's legitimate?

Is there anything about this "man's" persona that's legitimate?

The uncontrollable desire to sexually violate grade-school students?

This is a math joke for people who's knowledge of high level math is just a few key words.

Is he wearing a mid 2000s MMA t-shirt?

Wow. That is painfully unfunny. And he calls himself a writer? He should be embarrassed.