Logan is a boring subject, I agree

5  2019-04-02 by josephjeremiah

But how does this faggot have such an immense social media presence? Are all of his good reviews actually him on bot accounts? How did he get fucking People to write an article about him when he has zero fans? Is Jay Mohr stupid enough to have fallen for the idea this idiotic fag was an indie darling?


Just asking questions, folks.

Plus his music is fucking terrible.

He is gay and suffers from "mental illness" put those two together and anyone will bite although he is white so his relevance is wearing thin.

Even reddit saw through his shit though so I'm thinking he has incredibly rich parents to foster their fag child's delusional career aspirations and they have connections

easy. he pays for them.. just like howard stern did with twitter followers

Yeah but Howard was famous af. This guy was never anything and I'm supposed to believe he has a cult following.

great point... im sorry i wasnt comparing this punching bag to howard i just mentioned Howard cause he one of the 1st high profile guys to get busted for paying for over 3/4s of his twitter followers. i remember him trying to pass it off on his agent don buckwald or what ever the fuck his name was doing it without howies knowledge. i suck at communicating

Fair enough


He has a publicist, @indiequeenpdx

I don't know. I'm just flattered to be the subject of an article in People Magazine Online

Same. I'm working on it getting me laid.

Fair enough