The "Spaceship" in Fatrick's book is basically a butt plug

29  2019-04-02 by Ant_Sucks


Where can I read this?

Do you actually want to? Here's the actual opening line

It was a cold, dark night in deep space.

There is no night in space and it's always cold and dark. That's defining characteristic of space.

What about during space summer when it's bright and hot?

He's doing it on purpose because he thinks he's clever and subverting the genre. He's trying to copy Douglas Adams so bad.

I think this man may an idiot

I hope he's the victim of a hate crime very shortly

I heard he fucks kids, child

Does he print them at office depot and peddle them put of his trunk?

Oh yah

The dark night rises, my child.

PM for link

You can't un-see it after you see it.

Its the Buttphalus, he has technical aptitude of a second grader

Nice subconscious, stupid.

Looks like Nana's, you sure this isnt the permanently suspended cover?

Yeah, that would definitely stimulate a man's prostate


What a fuckin nerd

"Beamed Energy Receiver"? You mean like a solar panel?