Either Compound's lawyer is a retard who doesn't know that (c) means copyright, or Keith is trying his hand at practicing law now

4  2019-04-01 by GunClubVRMod


I assume Keith is Compound's lawyer so technically both are true.

Keith Maresqa.

Keith M.

Keith copyrighted the copyright.

From the Department of Redundancy Department of Compound Media.

Ill blow your mid even further on CM's ineptitude: the (c) symbol is no longer even necessary for copyright and has not been in decades.


In the United States, the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988, effective March 1, 1989, removed the requirement for the copyright symbol from U.S. copyright law, but its presence or absence is legally significant on works published prior to that date, and it continues to have effect on remedies available to a copyright holder whose work is infringed.



It isn't included to this day as a legal requirement/procedure to enforce the copyright, it's just advance notice to any potential infringers and the first ingredients of a cease and desist letter.

Right. But it has nothing to do with whether your copyright is valid or not.

Who would steam CMedias IP? What's also funny about this is whether they even own the copyright. Just as with their app company, they didn't realize when you hire companies to develop things, they often retain the IP unless you specifically contract otherwise.

Oh it's the bird lawyer 😂😂😂 Nobody was saying it was a valid copyright, the entire point was the idiot who wrote "copyright (c)". It's as stupid as saying "registered trademark (r)".

It's one or the other, bird lawyer.

Brilliant comment. Keep em coming.

You got it, eskwire.