Jim & Sam YouTubes Still Getting Shut Down!

0  2019-04-01 by OpiesInnerCircle

I know I'm crazy, but, listening to J&S help me get through the work day. This latest assault is painful!


For the same reason I don't give hobos money.... No. And fuck you.

I love how every faggot that listens to J&S or CP Media always starts the sentence off "I know im crazy for listening".

It’s like the guys that think it’s ok to make emotional posts here if they start it with ”I know I’m a faggot but...”

If you listen and enjoy and support these two at least own it. Now, if you listen and enjoy and support TrantH you should seriously reassess who you are as an actual human being

Don't disrupt the work of angels.

That's like complaining the bird that shits in your mouth daily was shot.

A quick search on YouTube shows three for today. I suggest you get better internet if its cutting out

Here you go:

