Imagine this insanity popping up in your Facebook feed without any context. What a lunatic

87  2019-04-01 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Nice typo in the last sentence, stupid.

Why does he think YouTube and Facebook are exclusive platforms only available to the elite????

No but he thinks they should be, he's gone on record many times claiming that the internet died the day "they let those filthy jigaboos sign up for MySpace." Or he might have said "moon-crickets," I'm not 100% certain of the quote.

The same reason socialism is for the people and not the socialist.

Everybody probably thinks he's like one of those people who claim they are being gangstalked.

Children and little ones in the same post, he must be really close to breaking down.

He's obsessed with kids

It's like he enjoys penetrating them.

There's only so many words he can find. Next will be sonny, childress, and kiddo.

I'm honestly shocked he hasn't called anyone "whelp" yet.

We absolutely do have the right.

He keeps poking. He’s not a smart man.

That's how we know it's working. He's liberal Joe, he's written some violent comments about throwing rocks at people that I found very concerning. I unfortunately had to report them.

Its almost word for word with nana's outbursts on here.

Quanspiracy: Ant paid this guy to take the heat off him and Joe

Ant has no money. Conspiracy debunked.


Jesse Ventura voice Thank you for your service, tough guy

Thanks for touching me with your hairdo!!

With your fucking rr-rru-rriff raff and uh fucking rocky horror hairdo.

Didnt know worms could trip over themselves.

He doesn't have a problem fighting a guy like Jesse. Seriously it means nothing to him.

He's bigger than him and stronger than him, so what? He doesn't give a shit.

I can’t imagine ever having to tell a man in retirement age that he’s tougher and stronger than me.


I feel like a few more insightful truths about his life would make for a great doc

u/beigefrequency ...?

His interview for his book with some frail woman with glasses was one of the most awkward things I ever sat through. I was hoping to make a cut of all of his awkward moments to get in his head. But I literally couldn't finish it because he has zero conversation skills even when the subject is himself. A real know-nothing know-it-all douchebag.

I'd like to do a video on him at some point.

Please do it. I haven’t watched any of these docs bc they’re gay, but I would support the creation of this one financially.

But he is fat.

And a depraved pervert with an insatiable lust for young boy ass.

This nigga is worse than Jizanthapus.

It's making me giddy that he's coming back to us. What a fat stupid fat man.

Public figures who use their platform to speak out: LeBron James, Colin Kaepernick, Patrick S. Tomlinson

harassing strangers from the safety of your parent's basement

Aren't professional writers supposed to be creative and original?

Never heard that one before, children

After watching one of his vids I can truly appreciate these words and hear it like he said it himself. He should be raped with electric hedge trimmers. He tri s to sound so suave and nuanced, it's absolutely horrendous the smugness in his tone.

He should throw in an occasional “mes enfants” just to mix it up a bit.

The best was when Logan Lynn Keats putting our posts on his Facebook page without much context. Some of them were really funny. You know people were snickering when they were supposed to be feeling bad for Poor Logan

They love creating the illusion that they're well known. "Look at all these horrible things the general public says about me. Comes with the territory of being a celeb, I guess."

What the fuck is this fat faggot even getting at?

It's very subtle encryption, but his message has all the letters to form the sentence "Raping children is fun". I'll let you be the judge on it's meaning.

but it is why they have a platform, & you never will.

bad news my dude, I've also got Facebook (probably more followers).

Guess what else I've got... Twitter :)

12 people on his Facebook page and a bunch of books nobody reads. I guarantee his books mostly end up with their covers stripped and sent back to the publisher for credit and pulped, to make room for the next trash paperback genre book's time to grab somebody's money.

There's hundreds of these guys. Make a deadline so we slap a model looking guy or a spaceship on the cover and sell this to people taking a long bus trip.

He's not Dostoyevsky, and nobody anywhere will look back fondly on his garbage. He's the novel writing equivalent of a supermarket tabloid. Or the movies on those 20 HORROR FILMS COLLECTION dvds at Walmart. Cheap, disposable trash. The publishing industry, especially genre, is full of these. He will NEVER ever break into real fiction or write a political book or anything of value.

Oh and he occasionally foists himself on sub-100 viewer podcasts with other arrested development autists from the comic con to talk about "nerd culture".

Fuck, is anybody else jealous yet?

The Idiot: An Autobiography, by Doughstoyevsky.

This is what the average person thinks of you /u/patrickstomlinson

You aren't some martyr or pundit, stupid. You're a hack

I guarantee his books mostly end up with their covers stripped and sent back to the publisher for credit and pulped

His garage must be overflowing with mulled paper.

I don't know what's worse. Getting on a bus or being forced to read a book with a space ship on the cover.

Hey fuck you if you don't like Carnasaur 2

I was going through his hashtag on Instagram and people were receiving advanced unedited copies lol

Yeah of course. They get advance proof copies out to friends and other authors who, trying to be nice, post positive reviews hoping to get attention... And then they do the same in reverse.

This unfortunately looks like a real person, with a real shit taste in literature. Imagine wasting your time reading modern sci-fi by some unknown fat person. Could read Asimov, Clarke, even Hubbard for fucks sakes. Women read the dumbest shit.

he has less than 100 subs lol

No, my children

I guess he has to try and make other people his children since his wife left with his own.

He describes it as " talking down" like anyone is insulted by it. When in reality it just sounds stupid and voids any point he thought he was making.

He sounds like Della Reese

Think of who uses the phrase “my children” — priests. And what do priests do? molest children.

Open and shut case

I think we REALLY messed with his fragile ego and mind last night. Also, he had to PLEAD with the "Damsels of Dorkington" youtube channel to delete the comments. Oh well, I have the screenshots so it's permanent now.

To quote opie, wuh happen last night?

Patrick had a meltdown over youtube comments. Check my post history I linked an imgur album of his pathetic replies and I also made his own friends who run the channel accidentally call out his "child" schtick.

Ewww wtf is the "Damsels of Dorkington" and why do I know that none of them are attractive, straight cis females?

A horrible collection of nerd messes.

The one on the left seems to be playing fat and loose with her cup size.. Beefers confirmed or obscured?

There was a lot worth reading. Patrick replied to about 50 other comments after that.

There were plenty of comments worth reading but Disney Princess Sue Lightning was for sure the best.

"Is there any way I can purchase 8 months of this nude calendar but they keep the 4 months I'm not interested in?"

One of them looks hot if you google her but only in a few photos taken from one day of her life. The rest look so piggishly different I had trouble reconciling they were the same person and in fact am still not completely certain.

Idk the one on the left does it for me, middle maybe but she'll age like a Pollock, right is Irish-inbred.

The one on the left is the one who looks hot in the picture I found of her at some cosplay event. But I’ll agree if I had to choose between the three of them as presented in that picture, it’s hands down the one on the left even looking like that. But that’s more a situation where you want to fuck someone without quite knowing why.

Actually on closer inspection I’m starting to agree with you more and more.

I'm a fan of curly hair and big brown eyes, but I'd be willing to give the middle a go.

I feel bad for the girl on the right because unbeknownst to her, 85+% of her sexual experience is The Last Call Beer Goggle Hustle. And that's 100% all she's good for.

Nah, I bet she gets her fill of dick, or cooch, or whatever she’s into. She has that kind of face you could a) easily overlook if her body was nice enough, ans b) could start looking better if she was cool. Even if she has to stick with the 6s and 7s, I’m sure there are plenty of people who would give her a good rodgerin’.

I highly doubt she's cool

"your parent's basement" - There it is

It’d be great if we could get Facebook taken away from him too.

"no my children"

This guy has to be one of you doing the Jesus Chatline troll. There's no way this guy is real.

He got ~40k twitter followers that forgot they followed him off of a random viral post. That is worth next to nothing and he doesn't even have an account anymore. This sub is the only place where people know his name, yet he still thinks of himself as an internet celebrity. He really is Bizarro Joe. SAD!

The podcast he was on averages less than 100 views an episode. Anybody on this sub could literally have a bigger platform than them if they recorded a podcast and put it on YouTube

Yes he has the public platform of YouTube and Facebook, and no one else does. Way to go, champion? Is he really that fucking stupid? And are liberals supposed to look out for people who don’t have public platform instead of looking down on them as if they are less than? He’s not even good at being a liberal. I’m more liberal than he is.

To be fair, I have liberal friends but I hate liberals I don’t know.

I’m not saying there aren’t people who hate him for his politics. There are. But there are people who agree with him wholeheartedly who think he is a complete cunt. It’s a lot tougher to piss off people that agree with you, but that’s how much of an asshole he is. There are people who want to like him and just can’t.

Well you guys got Bro Joe so don't be too fucking proud of yourself.

Fucking faggot. Anyone can do that watered down self loving monkey ass shit that you do stupid. I make you humble

Is this the guy that fucked all those kids?

I'm happy none of these dopes realize, as any normal person would, that you animals would get bored if they just ignored it for a few weeks.

Joe, fatty, tranth. They're all just, amazingly retarded.

He simply has no self-awareness. In his last sentence he brags about his platform. What’s the next piece of information we get? 6 likes.

Nice platform, stupid.

the way he talks makes my fucking blood boil. there's nothing redeeming about this fat fucking cunt. i hope he really is as much of a beer-drunk soak as his instagram makes him seem and he ends up drinking himself smoothbrained because we keep leaving one star reviews on his faggot books that no one reads.

He lives in Milwaukee, of course he's a fucking alcoholic

We should find a way to get him fighting with Joe


Nice platform, stupid.

"parent's basement" instead of the classic "mother's basement."

I appreciate he didn't use gendered language

What gives him the idea that he's better than a kid and should talk down to them? He's dumber and less self aware than most kids I know.

He sure does have a platform... to all 84 of his subscribers.

They deleted all the comments on that video. Patrick said to me "and your PB is...what exactly" and I responded that I helped getting him banned on twitter even though I didnt know he existed minutes before submitting the report

Seriously am I missing something or is he actually acting like having a Facebook page is being a celebrity with a platform? There are posts here everyday about a dead radio show that no one cares about or remembers with multiple times the readers of whatever his best book was.

Could you imagine if someone everyone hates here like deep legal shit acted like his platform to use his celebrity voice was being violated when he got down votes? Isn't this exactly what Fat Pat is doing?

Guy thinks he's a public figure

Patrick had a meltdown over youtube comments. Check my post history I linked an imgur album of his pathetic replies and I also made his own friends who run the channel accidentally call out his "child" schtick.

His interview for his book with some frail woman with glasses was one of the most awkward things I ever sat through. I was hoping to make a cut of all of his awkward moments to get in his head. But I literally couldn't finish it because he has zero conversation skills even when the subject is himself. A real know-nothing know-it-all douchebag.

I'd like to do a video on him at some point.

I highly doubt she's cool