Daily reminder that a thread full of people who are routinely obsessed with Anthony/Jim/Joe/Joe Matarese/Opie/Fat Tomlinson get mad and call someone else obsessed for picking on their favorite moon cricket

0  2019-04-01 by TonyFromLongIsland


You're all fucking dumb lmao

LOLing faggot


Ain't it fun?

livinnnnn in the real worlddddddddddddddddd

Don't worry, Ant, you're still hilarious.

Funnier than you fag

How's Sue doing?

Rocking an even hotter set of fakers thanks to Daddy!

You doing okay, buddy?

Actually about to get my dick sucked, so I'm pretty good. I'm just trying to fit in around here, cut me some slack bro.

It makes me feel good that I'm always on your mind. Keep it up.

Why do you keep posting things when everyone hates you?

Why do you keep posting things when everyone hates you?