Reminder: Anthony Cumia vapes

15  2019-04-01 by YosefAL

He’s at least 75 years old


Did he smoke in the O&A days?

Quit after the heart attack if memory serves me right

I never remember that getting mentioned with all of Jimmys drama about quitting and them busting Vos' balls for chewing nicorette for 10 years

I could be wrong, but that’s rare and I’ll never admit it.

Oh! No! Don't talk about the heart attack! He's incredibly, incredibly sensitive about that.

You can mention the child rape, domestic violence, hair plugs, cocaine use with his own mother, getting fired from his dream job, but if you bring up a health event that he has no control over, he'll stop at nothing until you're banned from every forum on the internet.

In one of the first few WNEW shows in 1998 he mentioned that he had quit smoking some time in the past, because he didn't want to fuck up his voice and ruin his radio career. He also claimed that he easily quit cold turkey using willpower, no withdrawal symptoms.


Tapes it too

He's 70 young