This is so obviously one of you having a goof. There is zero chance that Pat Tomlinson youtube is real.

2  2019-04-01 by TonyFromLongIsland



It's literally the account he posts his shitty videos on and links on his other social media. Trust me, I thought the same thing. How could someone be so retarded and not be a troll, I thought. Well I thought wrong.

At least that black idiot sams_seed is banned. We should all rejoice in a world without her posts, and revel in the beta soyboys who defend her religiously. Hint: I don't really care, I just think we should hate and drive off all women from this sub, and your defensiveness about it just makes me happier.

I’m beginning to suspect you made this thread under false pretenses.

And also you’re a huge fag.

Stay mad faggot. I'm sure I won't see you around here obsessing over Anthony/Jim/Joe/Joe Matarese/Opie/Fat Tomlinson and being a completely oblivious cognitively dissonant retard. Cunt. Fag.

Don't you have a dying media empire to kill faster?

Don't you have a faggot to go be?

Not even one upvote. Not one! LOL enjoy obscurity fucker.

I dont get why people defend Sam's seed. Can you explain? I agree the false flag was obvious.

I can only speak for myself but I like 30% think she’s funny, 70% think it’s hilarious how mad she makes people here just because she’s black. I recognize my use of percentages makes me an autist.

Nah you're fine. I just don't get the draw because she really isn't that funny compared to even a random commenter here. She made herself a "personality" on the sub and she always had to point out "look! It's me guys!!"

You’re not wrong. I have a higher tolerance for it in this case because she’s a legitimate crazy person who thinks the cops are stalking her lol

Hint: I don't really care,

sounds like you DO care

Haha reverse psychology, good one you dumb fucking hacky faggot.

You DO care despite my agreeing with you.

Fully agree. She posts under an alt now but atleast she doesnt reply on the "I'm a gurl!" Shit now. Once men invent true-to-life fake puppies women will be eradicated.

She wouldn't be relevant either way. She's an unfuckable, unlovable mentally ill negress who will have the little turd she shat out of her cunt taken by CPS before she's finally thrown in the nut hut for good. She makes a few of the virgins on this subreddit feel like big, strong men and they will defend her honor to the last.

Just here to point out that I managed a whole whopping 1 downvote. 1 downvote from a very sick, very black nigger.

Haha reverse psychology, good one you dumb fucking hacky faggot.

She wouldn't be relevant either way. She's an unfuckable, unlovable mentally ill negress who will have the little turd she shat out of her cunt taken by CPS before she's finally thrown in the nut hut for good. She makes a few of the virgins on this subreddit feel like big, strong men and they will defend her honor to the last.

Nah you're fine. I just don't get the draw because she really isn't that funny compared to even a random commenter here. She made herself a "personality" on the sub and she always had to point out "look! It's me guys!!"