do not PUT ALL OF YOUR ENERGY INTO TROLLING THE DORK WHORES because that would be fucked up and unnecessary.

1  2019-04-01 by TonyFromLongIsland

I mean really


I see your comments and I look at the date and my brain can't compute this conundrum.

No judgement for a couple above-average chicks playing into the nerd trope and getting desperate Norton types to send them money and gifts. Dont even have to masturbate on cam, just talk about which of the Hobbit movies was your favorite.

Shit they didn't even have Patrick on anyway. One of them and some dude did a skype interview.

not hating women

Okay bro.

That is unwelcome here.

Given the several hundred trolling and angry Pat comments that got posted, I'm sure they regret ever having him anywhere near their show.

Do you think they realized how pathetic Fattrick is when he kept saying "child" after I baited them into calling that a retarded insult? And after he posted a reply to literally every single comment?



Since your only funny bit is hating other women, will you do your part in hopefully ruining their self-esteem?

I definitely WILL NOT invade their other videos after class.