214  2019-04-01 by unclepaul84


That last show he did was unbelievably bad. I don't know what he was thinking being a part of that.

He’s in love with his own celebrity. He also was getting to social issues because he believes his own bullshit. He will always be a hack who couldn’t cut it as a standup.

Who are we talking about again?

99% of standups

He was thinking that he will do anything for money. This guy is just weird. I told a guy at work once that he pretends to be a scientist. And he was like “yeah but he did work with scientists tho”. I said “so. We work with electricians and we are not electricians”

Then what did he say?

"Shut up, faggot."

"We serve bread bowls to electricians. Doesn't make us electricians. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it."

And then what?

He put it in his pipe and smoked it.

the sourdough?

the devils lettuce


Did y’all make out afterwards?

He gave his plasma balls a good palmin

" y'all "


Beakman was way better than this bow-tie dork.

mr wizard was the best

I loved how he got genuinely irritated by the stupid kids on his show.

yea lol, he really did come off as a take no guff asshole a lot of the times.

I don’t know if it’s true, but I always assumed he landed Okinawa and bayoneted some Japs as a young man.

The other GIs started calling him Mr Wizard because he was magical with that BAR.

I swear there was an episode where he made a kid jump into a barrel of cold water and he got pissed when the kid started complaining.

Beakmans shows seemed longer and gave me more time to sleep in class so he takes the nod.

His assistant was a real cutie, too

Lester the Rat was a hottie.

Seriously he had two assistants. There was Josie, who got some role in a movie or tv show and left. Then there was the other broad that replaced her.

Which one you talking about?

The one I jerked off to I don't fucking know. Probably the first one

Josie was played by Alanna Ubach, who went on to be in Legally Blonde. Pics here.

Eliza Schneider played Liza and apparently does voice work on South Park. Pics here.

She showed her tits in some Skinamax movie.

He strikes me as a very unkind and pompous man

Well he is an engineer.

...with a bachelor's degree. a faggot basically

How many engineers don't have a bachelor's degree?

as an engineer, if you don't get a masters degree you're basically fellating other men 24/7

As an engineer with only a bachelor's degree, I assure you my fellating of men is mutually exclusive from my degree.

Jimmy is so envious

As an engineer with a masters let me tell you...the amount and quality of penisia you get is worth the student loan debt.

Engineer my Half Spicy Thai Salad with Chicken fucko! This panera bread SUCKS

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs and business people I’ve met have just engineering bachelors. Smart guys who figured out how to make real money without slaving in a lab.

Sure, if you got hustle, why bother with a degree at all?

The guys I’m thinking of surely could have been better engineers if they had advanced education, but they switched up their focus and changed their goals. I’m certainly not knocking qualified engineers—I wish they were more valued by society—just saying that some of the smartest, most successful people have just bachelor degrees in engineering.

that’s only if you’re not good enough to get a job after undergrad and need to hide in school again before running out of money

Tbf a whole lot of scientific advancement happens in engineering fields these days, specially in aerospace, chemistry etc. For example if you make a new polymer, it should theoretically have XYZ properties, and testing will decide whether or not you were modeling it correctly.

That's the pose he does when he's sticking his butt out showing Norton his new panties. "You like these, babe?" - "Very much, sir."

I wasn't a climate change denier until I heard this faggot trying to explain it

I'm a denier out of spite. And global warming isn't a big deal.

I could use some of it today, am I right fellow Canadians?

If those assholes are on board, I am denying that shit even while we are all burning. Goddam hippie socialist faggots.

I don’t care either way about Tucker Carlson but he made this faggot look like a straight up fool

Tucker is a top faggot.

Tucker is national treasure.

Carl Sagan wannabe.

His entire career is reading the same scientific journals everyone in the world has access to and then picking a couple thing to tell everyone else about. He's literally just some guy at the office who is trying to explain an article he read and maybe puts a few of his own summaries in there.

Hey, don't forget - he also wears a bowtie.

People that wear bowties know what they're talking about.

I like when DiPaolo gave him a bitch smackdown on Anthony's show, "I don't appreciate the sarcasm, asshole."

That lovely Jewess was NOT frumpy. She was thicc, shitlord.

I prefer the space nigger over this ass clown

I also prefer Anthony's attempts at science talk

Oooo I see what u did there

Black science man

DUDE cut you cock off, it's science!

The anti-scientist

Wow that's bad!

Such edge.

Still more butch than Queen AntH.

I accidentally ran into him along some stairs at my college. I just saw him as a parasite.

He's not even a real scientist.

He calls himself the science guy, then he spends a whole episode talking about how gender is like ice cream and there's lots of different flavors.

What a fibber.

I really do not care if he is gay or not, he is not a scientist. He is a hack comedian who found a niche and having people dumb enough to believe him

He's encouraged more people to move over to Creationism and Pro-Warming than any other, well maybe not Fag Gore but still, he's up there.

Fuck him. Beakman’s World ruled

Never trust anyone in media who claims to be an expert, who also has long standing brand loyalty with generations of people through campy children's television shows.

People like this are hired and put into practice to misinform entire generations, and it really works. Look at all the adult turds who use this fucking fool as a barometer because they knew him from the wacky "EDUCATIONAL" show that the state-sponsored teachers wheeled into the classroom.

He’s my neighbor in LA and all my roommates saw him at CVS (I didn’t go). Apparently he’s a cunt

And i used to enjoy his stupid show as a kid. Now he's just a great big old fagarino extraordinaire

...with a bachelor's degree. a faggot basically

Tbf a whole lot of scientific advancement happens in engineering fields these days, specially in aerospace, chemistry etc. For example if you make a new polymer, it should theoretically have XYZ properties, and testing will decide whether or not you were modeling it correctly.

How many engineers don't have a bachelor's degree?

"Shut up, faggot."