Another example of Sam's stupidity

43  2019-04-01 by MiniChipper

He just said heroin is got to be worse for you than opioids. He's so stupid he doesn't realize that heroin is an opioid


But he sure does know a lot about wrestling and sneakers.

He literally has the same interests as a 12 year old.

And the diet.

And the penis

Syracuse finest alumni.

Not all of us had rich parents to get into Cuse, some of us actually did well in school.

“I don’t listen”


I wonder what its like to go through life sober.

You mean sober like dry drunk Jimmy?

I don't want to know.

Obviously you become a caveman looking faggot who spends all his time fantasizing about muscular men.

Thing is, he’s aged worse than any alcoholic I’ve ever met.


Sam Roberts once said "Crack Cocaine is worse for you than processed chicken nuggets. That's why I eat so many nuggies".

be careful. I think he’s sometimes faking stupidity just for the attention. You can tell when he’s genuinely stupid (he uses wrong words, mispronunciation, etc) vs stuff like this. Sam is totally an idiot, but he’s also a liar.

I mean, not a that he knows this either, but there is a difference. Heroin is an opiate, while, for example, oxycodone is an opioid. The difference is more or less how they're processed

The moment I turned on Jim and Sam occurred a couple of years ago and it was for something very similar to this. I had just scored and was cooking my shit up and I had Jim and Sam on in the background. They were discussing drug addiction and the following exchange ocurred: Sam:Why do people do Heroin if it makes them sick and puke, what feels good about that? Jim: Well first they puke and then they feel good.

Their stupidity angered me to such an extent that I immediately had to shoot up. Jim and Sam cause drug addiction.

Wow. Someone needs to forcefully drug Jim

You're reaching.

You mean sober like dry drunk Jimmy?

He literally has the same interests as a 12 year old.

I don't want to know.

Obviously you become a caveman looking faggot who spends all his time fantasizing about muscular men.

Thing is, he’s aged worse than any alcoholic I’ve ever met.