Question for Fatrick, the worm, and anyone else who gets butthurt about non-public figures who don't post online with their real names: At what point does it stop being "exercising an appropriate level of caution" and start being "cowardice"?

44  2019-04-01 by MFWinab

There's more than enough examples out there of the damage doxxing can do to someone's life, i'm not talking "strangers on the internet left comments calling me a faggot" damage, i'm talking "people show up at my house, send me boxes of dead animals and used syringes in the mail, and call my employer in an attempt to get me fired" damage.

With that in mind, why would anyone post online under their real name unless they absolutely HAD to? Chances are, the shit you post online is just that, shit, you're not missing out on fame and fortune by submitting it anonymously. Even if you do manage to catch lightning in a bottle, isn't getting praised for something you posted anonymously even more rewarding? If people online have no clue who you are, they're forced to judge you entirely based on what you say in that moment, so if they like it, that means you actually, genuinely said something noteworthy, you're not coasting off goodwill from 5 years ago or getting your arse kissed by people who want something from you.

If you absolutely MUST be a public figure, fine, but don't act like other people are pussies because they would prefer to earn a normal living WITHOUT leaving themselves vulnerable to hordes of psychos for no goddamn reason. Is it cowardly to lock your door at night too? I think i'm gonna make a separate post where I give you guys all my online banking login details, just so you can see how rich I am, and I guarantee none of you would have the BALLS to do the same thing, its not that I have more ego than brains, its that you guys are PUSSIES.

Here's whats actually happening, "This stranger online has wrote something that hurt my feelings, I don't have a witty comeback to put them down based on what they said, so instead i'll go for a personal attack. But wait, they've posted anonymously and there's no personal information to go off of. I am extremely butthurt".

This post is longer than I thought it would be and I don't know how to end it. Brother Joe is a dumb freeloader who looks like a fucking cow or something.


Well we don’t need Patrick’s banking codes to know he cleared six figures last year. He already said so in a tweet.

Little did we know, Andy cumio is making bank after getting fired from sxm

A little wordy, but you hit the nail on the head, sir

If I was a public figure, I wouldn't engage with trolls. Even acknowledging them makes you look pathetic.

Tim Heidecker used to have a show called Tim's Kitchen Tips. It was a parody of a bad online show, and at the start of every episode Tim would say, "Oh and by the way... to all the negative comments I'm getting, go fuck yourself. That's just negativity and it doesn't affect me at all, so..."

That was funny. Then 5 years later, Tim started genuinely acknowledging the trolls, saying pretty much the same stuff his parody character did in Tim's Kitchen Tips.

Fucking madness. The oldest online advice is "don't feed the trolls". Patrick had multiple chances for this sub to forget about him, and yet he kept coming back into the spotlight because 1 or 2 people would send him a stupid message and he'd reply.

The people who reply are the zeros desperate for fame. Actual famous people get this kind of attention too. What they're missing is the acclaim, though.

Exactly, Ron Perlman doesn't ever tweet back at Samcro.

I didn't read it but I can tell you hit the right points. Bravo.

Nice manifesto, stupid

Multi media manifesto!

Give me your real name this instant

Patrick Tomlinson

People like this think they actually want to know what people think of them. In their head, they have an idea of who they are and anything that goes against that shakes their reality and must be wrong. Not once in the history of the internet as anyone ever asked for a positive commenter or an opinion they agree with to be de-anonymized. They don't care if they get hundreds of anonymous 'atta boys' it's the one anonymous 'your book sucks' that sends them into a tail spin. It drives them crazy that they can't look into the life of the person who said it to pick some random detail to criticize them on (even though there are probably hundreds of valid critiques) to try to invalidate the shit comment.

Instead of thinking about it and realizing the world is full of psychos whose opinions really don't matter one way or another, they couch the idea in things like "people shouldn't be anonymous because then people can make violent threats and spread dangerous ideas," not realizing there are already legal mechanisms to deal with most of this. The reality is that people don't want other people anonymous for selfish reasons. With some exceptions, they want all the good and none of the bad. No such thing as a free lunch, faggos.

The proper way to end a post of this length is to include a Rich Vos plug at the end.

At the point you realized that you’d most definitely get your ass physically kicked by fat old ignorant faggots, who are horrible parents with whores for sisters and ugly girlfriends/wives, and not 6’1” tall.

Shut up and get Layla to school you bow-legged old queer.

Do you remember this you fucking pussy? You always duck out of fights when people here challenge you. One side kick to the knees would crack you.

Faggot gave me the address of a gym that was shut down. In fucking Ohio. Blow me douchebag. I’d split your fucking head using only my cock.

Hahaha holy shit

Joe you're a decrepit old man, with AIDS. Go back to the ranch and fill up your ass you old homo.

Drinkin' on a Monday night Joe?