Small Dinky

0  2019-04-01 by timallenonacid

I have a small pee wee and my girlfriend and my mom and my sister and my grandmother have all laughed at it before in my life. Because of this I am not able to make hard anymore no longer. Is there anyone else here with smallest of drinkles that can give me some advise? For years I’ve been jumping out of bushes in Central Park and attempting to rape women while wearing a Jason mask but even some of them have laughed until I killed them. Please don’t snitch on us and please don’t laugh, I need real hardcore advises.


Nice use of "advise", stupid.

Could you advise me how to be better

I have noticed that this is a theme in many of your posts. What's going on, big guy?

Yeah I agree. He seems to have an obsession with dicks. I don’t know the guy. Just saying, that’s what it seems like

when i was 7 years old I had a scouts master named Gregory. Gregory was beloved by the community and even more so by the scouts he led. Everyone loved Gregory. Mothers would bake Gregory cookies and pastries, Fathers would buy him beers and wings and offer to suck his cock. One night in mid December there was a snow storm. It was like nothing we’d ever seen before. I had to stay late at scouts and do chores because I had sass talked scout leader Gregory earlier that evening. My mother was unable to make it to the gymnasium before the snow storm got in to full swing and I was trapped alone with beloved scout master Gregory. It wasn’t long before I finished all of my chores, Gregory congratulated me with a finger up the ass. He told me troublemakers have to make it up to their elders. So with his enormous hairy cock in hand, he beckoned me over and told me to suck until I felt a creamy substance graze my tongue. I sucked Gregory’s enormous hairy dick until he ejaculated in my mouth and when the snow storm finally subsided, my mother arrived at the gymnasium. I told her Scout Master Gregory took out his enormous, hairy dick and made me suck it until he ejaculated in my mouth. My mother simply looked at me with a smile and said, you will never be a real man until you grow an enormous hairy cock and fuck the mouth of a small boys. To this very day I’ve never been able to grow my erection past 1.5 inches and I simply can not get over it.

Better than anything Fat Pat has ever written I suppose. Have you considered a career in erotic literature?

Just fucking do it already, pussy.