Bone Tomahawk makes up for Fagged Across Concrete

0  2019-04-01 by GunClubVRMod

Just watched BT for the first time, I like it even more than Brawl. No unecessary dialogues or characters, no pretentious bullshit, just a coherent and entertaining story. Whomever started the hype train on Dragged Across Concrete should be wishbone split by those cannibals.

Why do this faggot's movies get worse over time by the way?


Guy I just watched this Cell Block movie last week and I was so disappointed I had to make an entire post scolding this sub. Now I keep hearing about this Boning Tomahawks and my curiosity is growing but I don’t think I can handle that kind of disappointment again. You better not be yanking my chain

Brawl was a good B movie in my opinion, but definitely a B, Bone Tomahawk is an A movie.

I'm pretty biased for westerns. I think 99 is what Tarantino wishes he was, it was really funny and brutal. The fight scenes are filmed perfectly. Tomahawk felt like a great 2006 horror film. I liked it a lot and was surprised how tough it was to watch. Normally I'm fine with gore.

Still haven't rented DOC but I like artsy films so I dont think I'll be disappointed. Nothing could be slower than Elephant and I really liked that.

Elephant just went on and on. It was like a long dream I couldn't wake up from. Sweet pay off though.

You didn't like True Grit? That's crazy talk.

I like it for if I need something stronger than Ambien.

Which True Grit, the John Wayne or the Cohens? Either way you're a shit head, both True Grits and the book are great.

Cohens. Never saw the original.

If faggotry could be condensed to one thread.

Then this sub would only have one thread. A mega faggot post.

DAC is a work of art. In film buff circles, it’s been almost universally celebrated as the perfect antidote to mainstream Hollywood’s infantile dog shit. This sub turned on it because it didn’t live up to their sensationalistic preconceptions. God forbid a filmmaker not pander to the tenuous attention spans of the modern era. The sub’s dismissal of DAC indicates you only liked Zahler’s prior work purely because of the graphic brutality. Probably better then if you get off his bandwagon now, and stick with the Marvel cinematic universe. There’s a strong chance his work will continue to grow more contemplative as he ages.

So if I didn't like Fagged Across my recourse is to watch comicfag movies?

Watch Cold In July or Shot Caller and quit ya bitching.


Bone Tomahawk was great.