Patrick Tomlinson at war with r/opieandanthony trolls, circa 2019

74  2019-04-01 by diddlybooba


This is a pretty cool statue

That dudes giant hog made me jealous, maybe after applying the dick spray from Andy cums show I can be as well endowed

That statue has the classic "seeing your dad naked and noticing adult peepees are different from yours for the first time" dick

He's got a grower

Patrick is much, much fatter.

This statue is deeply erotic.

I've heard that fat pat was born without a dick.

the statue of truth

That statue doesn't have multiple chins or appear on the verge of tears constantly

Or at a bar

I'm not an alcoholic I can quit at anytime, child

LOL why does that statue exist?

It's in Norway so probably sexually retarded cuckold culture.

Did you mean "Ant's subconscious?"

Can someone photoshop the statue to be fatter?

Pretty sure it's Fat Pat subduing some victims

fungo bat

A metaphor for a pedophile overcoming his temptations. Powerful.

Is he grabbing the top left by the dick

Well he has his toe in a child's ass that's interesting

"We got your demo tape. Maybe porn isn't for you Patty.... Have you ever considered becoming a Greek statue? They are known for.. well, I think you'd be great at it."

Can't be fatrick. Dick's way too big. Fatrick pisses on his balls.

This is the only Tomlinson post that’s actually made me laugh

I've been to that statue, it's at a park in Norway.