This game is called "take a selfie with the people you're about to rape"

39  2019-04-01 by Anal_Sacks


This loser is always taking selfies in bars with strangers to pretend he has friends.

Aw that old man seems so happy to be included.

I mean, Faggots!

He can only associate with strangers. If he got to know people he might find out they disagree with him about something and are therefore literal nazis.

Is that Jimmy on the end?

It's uncanny.

I feel like Joe Pesci looking at his mother’s painting when Deniro says “Looks like someone we know” in Goodfellas.

Aids-Jimmy of Christmas yet to come.

Guy on the left is saying, "Slip him a roofie, I'll take his wallet."

who is that stroke victim between fatrick and jimmy

i bet every single person in this bar has heard his "i'm a writer" spiel

Lookie how I’m wearing ma hat, yall! Ain’t I a riot!!

It’s a bizarro faggot norm mcdonald

How much are you willing to bet Fatrick tossed the old man's solid shortly after that picture.

I'm not gay enough to know what that means, but I'll get there

Also, the man on the far left looks like an elderly Jim Norton, 20 years from now.

Look how disgusted that (woman?) Is in the back.

Put your hat on correctly you fat fuckin pig

look at his hat. how goofy!

autistic looking fuck

he sure drinks a lot

He's our Harry Dean Stanton

Starting to get those Fred From Brooklyn chink apostrophe chink eyes. Ol Fatrick likely has diabetes and doesn't know it.