We're two guys who believe the age of consent should be lowered to 5.

95  2019-04-01 by Mr_Nigel_Igger


Ant always looks like he's being held up by wires like a museum exhibit

Dave just looks happy to have something to do.

poor dave, didn't know what he was getting himself into.

How many of his family members muttered that to each other at his wedding?

To his credit, he was an absolute nobody before this. He's still a nobody, but the exposure and connections alone are worth it. He's selling out "shows" (bingo halls), but it's working for him

Dave Landau is so horrible that no one remembers he exists. This man is co-host of TACS and no one cares, that's how lame he is. I've never seen his Twitter posted here, his Facebook, no documentaries, he has fat wife and I'm starting to be suspicious someone made that up to make him more interesting.

Kevin Brennan yelled it at him and he got super defensive so I'm inclined to believe it's true

His wikipedia article got deleted for being so irrelevant

Landau looks like stuttering John.

Damn, Ant is looking like shit lately

By lately you mean the last 40 years?

And they say this sub has no effect on his life. tips fedora

We’re two guys who in high school were voted as least likely to have child and most likely to fuck one.

How dare you envolke the good name of John and Jeff. At least the pedophile on that team had the good Grace to get on a plane and fuck children in a different country.

Nice envolke, stupid


John was fucking adult whores in gogo bars, kid touchers go to Philippines or Cambodia

You might wanna have a listen to jocktober.

He’s **guilty by association **

Why did he position his arm behind a TV?

How many "cool" T-shirts do you think Dave has?

dozens, probably

Funny how he hates Muslims, but has so much in common with them.

Imagine calling someone else a pedophile for going to Thailand to fuck adult whores while being an actual pedophile. Anthony Cumia is a hypoctite.

Landcow getting fatter by the day

Dave “on sale “ landaue or what ever his last name is ...A cheap co host is better than no co host

I don’t understand why they don’t just quit doing that horse shit show. I mean no one watches it and it sucks dick. It’s not like he’s making any money off of it, so why not just hang it up? Is Anthony so scared of having a difficult conversation that he’s just going to let this bankrupt him instead of laying all those bums off?

How short is that other dude? Ant is 5’8” on a good day. All these clowns are midget men.