Ant copping a feel of Carol during a Compound bacchanal. I hope Joe doesn't find out!

105  2019-03-31 by ProfessionalCrump


I thought this was going to be an Opie and Anthony circa 1890

Not bosomy enough.

Way too old for Nana but it is Joe’s seconds so he might make an exception.

Damn Carol been working out?

She doesn’t seem that into it

"Needeth more pizzle" - Anthilcar the raper.

He got the girl.

That's an interesting idea. Nana does have a propensity towards Joe's sloppy seconds. Maybe he'll marry her to prove to his poker buddies that he's a real man. That's always a good reason for marriage.

this fan art keeps getting better and better

Looks more like AntH's cousin.

one horror looks one way and the other one looks the other way.. wattayawant from me

Feels a little light..

Looks more like the worm