PSA: Patrick likes his own YouTube videos

6  2019-03-31 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Nice Like/Dislike ratios, stupid.

Patrick beat up my nephew at a book signing because he called him "Fatrick". He has severe dysarthria. I hope this sub makes him pay

Didn't he also try to lure him behind a dumpster to try to molest him?

If molest you mean fuck violently and record it for later viewings that sounds highly likely.

Your nephew has weak genes of he's getting beat up by that. I suggest you throw him in a lake or something.

Diapers might help.

9 yrs - 84 subs - 1 hell of a ride 🙄

Wow, this is deeply humiliating.

Wow we had some parallel thinking. Didnt mean to copy you.

Didn't he also try to lure him behind a dumpster to try to molest him?

Your nephew has weak genes of he's getting beat up by that. I suggest you throw him in a lake or something.

Diapers might help.