The concrete really motherfucked him.

59  2019-03-31 by makimskii


To be fair to this guy, all they did was set up like three orange cones and all you're meant to do is drive around that shit.

Also he's employed by a child rapist who stole $60k.

and it’s raining so it all looks wet, if I was this guy I’d get out and make concrete angles naked

Who mmmmmmother ffffffucked me?

Thats 60k worth of damage that wont be getting paid back any time soon..

That’s cartoon-making money!

Norton fucking another tranny

This is why rich people don't want to pay taxes. That pavement will have to be redone. Daddy can buy Cindy a 3rd Ferrari with that money, fuck the roads.

Damn Jim Norton is taking prop comedy to the next level. was he pretending to be Chip when he drove into the wet concrete??

"I made the concrete wet with my pecka"

Then his sssssssscumbag was pouring concrete...

Nice barricades, estúpido

Jim Norton didn't even get out of the car after the incident. He just sat there... brooding...