Dave Landorf's Wife

40  2019-03-31 by crookedmile


I always think I'm on the verge of death until I happen to see this manatee

roll her in flour and look for the wet spot

The only wet spot I want to see her make is the one after a 40mm grenade launcher hits her

Bobby Kelly's final form.

His final form at 1:18 scale

You understand the stench her cunt and underboob must emit?


"I wish I had a hamburger THIS big"

Nigga cant even put her arms by her sides.

...and someone is fucking that.

Rubenesque like my mudder

The Landau Landcow

Nice scarf, stupid.

How else are you supposed to know she's a sassy sexy lady 🤮

That is one big pile of shit.

That’s Linda West you uncultured troglodyte

She is perfectly healthy stop this violence towards her

Got tired of seeing this fat bitch in the preview to some shit god moving every time I went to the movies

Are those her tits or what is happening here

"I dropped a Nagel this big in the terlit."

My wife watches this fucking show. Thank god for noise cancelling headphones.

No need for noise-cancelling headphones when you have a pair of eye-blackeners already attached to you.

Nice eggplant shaped body stupid

The key to dressing a fat pig like this is to look like curtains and blend into the window behind u

She shouldnt be allowed on tv that fat should not be encouraged or tolerated.

She's be so cute if she lost 300lbs

Imagine trying to be an actress in Hollywood- starving yourself, killing yourself in the gym, and blowing ugly Jew producers only to have this fatass broad get roles you would die for.

Bitch using a bed sheet for a scarf. Die already, you worthless cunt.

Its like the fat juked and dodged tackles past her tits to get to her stomach