Fat tub of whale shit

29  2019-03-31 by crookedmile


Easy buddy that’s Opie’s right hand brotherman

Only thing more annoying than a vegan or vegetarian being up in your grill about their dietary ideology is people like this who act like their love of eating meat is an integral part of their identity.

I had one of those friends that was like that with bacon. Literally everyone loves bacon, you're not special for the food you prefer.

I knew a dude in high school that would put bacon on his car engine in the morning so it would blow thru the vents

That may be the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

He was an idiot

0% vagetarian. God damn pussy hound right there.

This tubby asshole's entire wardrobe consists of shit you'd buy at Spencer Gifts

nice dry grey meat, fag

I wish I could hate him, but I’m really just jealous of the fact this guy just eats good shitty food and drink beer all day. If I ever win the lotto, I’m gonna be ruizing all day.

Anybody can eat shitty food everyday if they don't respect their health in the least. You make it sound like the default is eating healthy.

I mean “good shitty food” anyone can eat McDonald’s all day. The type of foods he’s munching on doesn’t look cheap. That’s probably a 40/50 dollar plate of food and he didn’t even flinch.

That’s probably a 40/50 dollar plate of food and he didn’t even flinch.

Damn nigga, you're a cheap date if that's blowing your wig back

Yes, 3 times a day, plus the 3 8 dollar beers he’s getting every day. I wouldn’t be able to pay rent. Eating out is expensive as shit.

Goddamn that looks like some good bbq

All charred and burned.

Fuck you. Fuck your family. Fuck your home nation.

Ha, I get it. Because you have a plate full of meat. Fat pig cunt.

Do you think he eats for free a lot? If not his food and drink spending must be massive.

If you don’t hate it go watch the OpieRadio dumpster fire video. Carl only knows how to put others down calling them the help or a dishwasher.

He is a fat tub of shit, but shouldn't he be an even fatter tub of shit based on his diet?

Gap tooth in your mouth so my dick's got to fit-