The Nazis were defeated by Russian hackers and white men who mistreated black people, honeynipples.

35  2019-03-31 by Anal_Sacks



Listen, and understand. That Nazi is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Nice plagiarism, stupid!

“Come with me if you want to lift (dialogue).”

Ironically for Patrick, the T-800 was an undocumented immigrant.

I think being passed around by black men has broken his brain.

I think he might be cracking. He's getting worse, and now he's alienating real life friends and posting to Elizabeth Clarke, and the other 3 people he gets internet attention from, to validate this bad sign as a good thing.

Nazinazinazinazinazinazi.... I'm fighting NAZIS, CHILD!

He is getting angrier and angrier about being in obscurity. I relish in it. From 38,000 followers on Twitter to dozens of reactions on Facebook and Instagram. His failure is my nectar.

No joke, I love watching him scratch, bite and flail...

Making more hyperbolic, more absurd and angrier posts trying to get traction and attention again is absolutely one of my favorite things on the internet right now.

He's been pushed now to alienating real friends and then shitposting about them like a woman for no other reason than validation from internet strangers likes and comments

Ehh, standard wannabe commie-lite tactic of labeling people you don't like as naxis fascists etc so you can(in your deluded mind) brand them as such in the public mind and hopefully dehumanize and ostracize them.

Communists did that a lot in China, USSR basically any individual or country that they didn't like were either fascists or imperialists and "enemy of the (((people)))".

Druggie antifa types use the exact same language wjen they need an excuse to beat up people.

This fat faggot thinks he's Stalin or Trotsky.

Gulags when?

The people who actually beat the nazis weren't sjw, child

You can't persuade Nazis. You can't reason with them. You can't appeal to their better natures. They don't have better natures.

Yeah! Take that, Pope Benedict XVI, former Hitler Youth member!

You can't reason with them, you can't bargain with them!

(Imagine being at a party with this fucking lunatic and him finding out as little as you identify as Republican.)

Fatso actually considers himself a "true conservative". No, really.

That's weird. Everything he says could be copy-pasted from your average college girl. What a poor, confused child.

What he said: "Defeat" the "Nazis"

What he means: exterminate Opie and Anthony radio program fans

Oh noes he knows our secret!

wir werden am Ende gewinnen

I hope somebody hits him in the mouth with a hatchet

I really hate how fat cunts like Pat think "defeating" the 3rd Reich meant each of the individual 13-15 million members of the Nazi Party were permanently, for all time, removed from the universe. 185 were indicted in Nuremberg, while the rest more or less just returned to normal society. The whole reason the Marshall Plan was the biggest foreign aid package in history (at the time) was to reintegrate them back into the mainstream world order. Completely assfucking Germany at Versailles created the conditions that led to Hitler's rise to power, so the Allies correctly realized that you actually have to live with these people, not just "ACTUALLY BEAT" them and declare Mission Accomplished. Putting aside his low bar for who qualifies as an omgliterallyNazis, his reading of history is so fucking dunderheaded.

TLDR: What a self-righteous tub of shit.

I just hate how narrow minded these faggots are. Okay, so Nazis are bad. That doesn't mean that being some consumerist liberal shitsucker is any good either.

"So you're saying the are...very fine people on both sides?? False equivalency, child"

Almost certainly his response.

Great, so you're not literally as bad as Himmler/Mengele/Goeth/etc in the conventional sense. Neither are the vast majority of people, you goddamn moron. You're not an anti-fascist freedom fighter you doughy fuck, just another narcissistic slob who channels their dissatisfaction with life into being cunty on the internet. He stinks and I don't like him.

That last sentence was a little rough.

Excellent summary.

You blurred the name so I can't imagine who this could be.

Mentally ill.

Here's a truth that people forget: most of the American troops who defeated the Nazis hated black people.

We actually had more in common with Nazi Germany than these fags want to admit.

We should be able to get him and anth obsessed w one another.

I have a white, liberal friend who used to be a normal, cool guy. I actually looked up to him when I was younger. Now all he does is rant about nazis every day (literally every day) on facebook. Fucking insanity...

Gay sex is my guess.

Leon Fatski

car srash sound effect

As we all know, the way the greatest generation beat the nazis was with epic clapbacks on twitter.

Does this dude even own a gun? Because if you take his logic half a step further, that is the next course of action.

Fat Pat would've been killed in 5 seconds if he went against those blonde hair blue eyed genetic specimens

Yeah most of the guys who landed at Normandy were doughy, whiny fat faggots with asymmetrical faces.

I don’t care how Patrick defeats the nazis just so long as it’s a suicide mission.

What a fat, melodramatic old queen.

The only fight he’s ever engaged in is the battle to resist another slice of cake, which he loses on a daily basis.

If you spend enough time with jews, you realize the nazis were very reasonable.

Yeah they were actually OK if you gave them their wurst and bier and schmorn and bullshit like that.

what is it with you fucking yanks and the "nazi's". are you aware how ridiculous you look calling people you dont like after a group who existed 80 years ago. fuck me, you re hash every single movie from existence now you're even doing world war bad guys. the whole culture is "OMG he's like literally Hitler"

*calls out straight white male (ww2 vet) a nazi*


Denial deceit and delusion

I've never paid this dude much attention but he does seem to be deteriorating quickly. Or was he this bad when he had twitter?

The only good nazi is a DEAD nazi! Also I define "nazi" as "anyone who disagrees with me politically."

We actually had more in common with Nazi Germany than these fags want to admit.