Where you at with WKUK? The only sketch show I can stand sine The Kids in the Hall... sorry for the quality

5  2019-03-30 by SamsSeedWhiteKnight


they’re good

I agree. They have a lot of shit that falls flat but you can appreciate the thought

Most sketch shows do, hell even Mr. Show had some sketches that were kinda lame.

I need to go back and watch mr show. I am a child of the 90s so I was a little young when it was in its prime.

Sketch shows are by their nature new and experimental, so I allot for extra slack when cutting theirs

Worst Mr. Show sketches are still better than even most of the best SNL shit

Mr. Show is like the SNL 12:55 sketches if SNL committed to them.

Mr Show stinks. Show me one funny sketch from that show.

You couldn't be more of a faggot if you tried.

Never heard of that sketch.

the grapest!

She's asking to be graped!

I liked their show until the last season with that “Civil War on Drugs” shit. And “Miss March” sucked.

Civil war on drugs was a good concept but beaten to death. I did enjoy the doug character who played dead in every battle... i am a coward

I never gave them a chance and now I regularly see people posting about how much they liked it. I really biffed it on that one.

I picked a hack video but they have some sketches that still hit

Used to watch it all the time a lot of the sketches are hit or miss but the good ones make up for the shitty ones

They never knew how to end sketches.

They really didnt they even admitted it in the one where they just make up strip club names

They were pretty amazing. And if anyone says different I'm gonna grape them right in the mouth.

I prematurely posted hitler rap... grape was probably a less hack video to post. Nice pull

This and some mad TV skits were the peak of comedy when I was in high school. I'm pissed that nothing is allowed to be funny anymore

Not sure about these fellas. But I KITH is one of my favorites.

What is Sine Kids?

You are a sad little man. I think the joke you are going for is lost with your poor spelling

Just a joke, thanks for the introduction to this show...

I am sorry. I get sensitive when it comes to jews and the Sein... i dont even know if thats what you were referring to but I was easily offended. I am gay.

You spelled since wrong...

I did.

It was great. they were like MDE, but actually funny, worthwhile and well written with talented people behind it.