Reminder: This is the result of 30 years of Jim Norton honing his “craft.”

213  2019-03-30 by pashow84


Bobo and Sue have a lot in common.... Ant sucked on both of their comically small weiners. They probably had a tic tac fight in his mouth

I miss the days where Jimmy hated Bobo I listen back to those all the time.

those were the days. hysterical shit.

Obscurity is a real motherfucker man.

Nana and Worm almost need Bobo more than he needs them.

“Dummy made noise, dummy will make noise again”. Bobo the one man band, classic.

Jimmy only hated Bobo because Bobo held a mirror up to all of Jim's faults: the relentless sex drive, constantly getting tricked, catfished or trolled by men pretending to be women and the autistic obsession with irrelevant fan bases. It was the only time in Jim's life that he was made self aware. He knew that if his IQ was five points lower, he would be in the same position as Bobo.

I think it’s even simpler than that. I think Jim realizes he’s washed up, and Bobo still gets laughs for him. Jim Hass to know how unfunny he is compared to, say, five years ago or 10 years ago. His own fans abandoned him. He’s stupid but even he knows most of the people who still hang on to him or either new listeners or people he would’ve made fun of seven years ago. Those people who are happy with anything they hear on the radio. Jim is desperate.

God damn, that's an exquisitely painful breakdown of Jimmy's pathology. Well done. Stitch it on a pillow and send it to the studio.

Where can I get that crypt keeper statue?

It would look great by the pool. People would come over and want to take pics with it. Just keep the kids away from it.

Where the fuck did muscle go? It's just chicken skin hanging off his arm.

Chip evolved

Humiliating a retarded man who doesn’t know better, great stuff guys

To be fair fucking with Bobo was the best part of their stupid show

It wasn’t the best part, but I always did enjoy how annoyed they were when he called. No matter how set up it was. In fact, when he would let it slip it was even funnier.

I think it's time that we expose Bobo... He definitely played up the retard angle for attention and free Yankees tickets. Don't get me wrong, he is without a doubt a socially inept low IQ individual. But a full blown retard like he portrays himself to be? Not a chance.

Even worse - he did it for METS tickets...

Fucking numbskull.

He’s on the same level as high pitch Eric.

High Pitch Erik is able to commit credit card fraud and scam free limo rides. He's despicable.

fat too

Who's high pitch this is Kelly Clarkson

I've met high pitch Eric and Bobo. Eric can hold a conversation about anything and be annoying. I met Bobo randomly at Donovan's in Woodside and literally he only talked about The Meets and how he had been on the shit

I've always wondered because baseball is a complex game to follow. It's not like WWE or soemthing like that

Well, as long as you can count to three, count to four, count to nine and divide 9 by 3 and 3 by 3, I think you’ve covered innings, balls and strikes, and you can probably do all the other basic.... Oh wait, you’re right, this is way above Bobo’s head.

Eric The Midget and Bobo would have been a great match.

I was just re-watching the Colin and Bobo show yesterday. Bobo was there filling in for a man who once got him hammered and then drunkenly beat the shit out him on a live stream because Ant was in rehab for drunkenly beating the shit out a woman on a live stream.

Bobo did a live read for scam site Deep Discount with no complaints. While Bobo was there filling in for Ant's latest disastrous fuck-up for free, Keith the Cop humorlessly gave Bobo a hard time for briefly plugging his friend's burger joint. Keith acted like it was a big deal to give out a plug on the paywalled Compound Media network, which had just had its name changed to remove the name of the man who is supposed to be the big draw because his name had now become associated with woman-beating alongside a long history of racism and pedophilia.

Colin is one of the only people associated with O&A who's not just pure garbage. That show with Bobo is the one of the most interesting shows Bobo has been involved with and all Colin had to do was treat him like a human being.

Where can I rewatch that show?

Compound media is free on Mondays I believe

Colin was the only one giving the wack pack any good bits too. He's the one that started up that Bobo on the stock market bit. Bobo's "girlfriend" was sort of hot back then too

Lady Di internship was his idea too. O&A's idea of a good bit with them was to have a producer call Bobo right in the middle of a conversation and then whine about how he called them.

And Dennis Motherhucker Farrell called in to make fun of Bobo for putting too much sauce on their free burgers at a wild compound playmate party.

Colin was always nice to Bobo, and Lady Di and Marion. Shit, he wrote a movie script for ETM.

Jimmy isn't retarded.

He also isn't a man.

Imagine if he did boardroom jimmy or Ted for 10 years?

It'd be funny? I don't get your point. Regular Joe was a better character than Chip a lot of the time.

Everything is funnier after a hundred times, right stupid?

Based on the number of views for the hours long Ted Sheckler and Uncle Paul compilations, yes.

Right, but Chip was sort of funny when used sparingly too. Those compilations are of much shorter clips, and the energy is just different when he’s doing uncle Paul for five minutes. If he did uncle Paul for an hour straight, somewhere in there, it would cease being funny. But take 12 five minute clips that were funny, and it’s much better.

It’s funny at first but not when beaten into the ground for years and years. Like if he had a weekly “regular joe” podcast where he did the same jokes over and over again in front of his friends who pretend like they aren’t in on it.

What the fuck is up with Worm’s arm? We should focus on it and give him a complex.

Reporting for duty

Beneath the facade, Anthony is miserable and wishes he could redo that dreadful day in 2014.

Joe is counting the days til nana dies of an overdose of Xanax and alcohol. Then he can have the compound all to himself

Do you think he'll keep the Compound East for romps with Mila?

And there's no chance in hell Keith hasn't forced Nana to leave him every cent.

Hey boss if I can just get you John Hancock riiight theeeere...perfect! What's that? Oh nothing, just some legal docs for the show.

The compound will be going back to the bank when Anth dies.

Joe Cumia is such an idiot, he would blow all of Tranthony’s wealth on child spit within a week

I think he actually looks happy and relaxed here, like he always does when he's next to a guy dressed up as a woman.

Just awful. Everyone in that picture.


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Does he still do that podcast? I can’t imagine anyone is watching it if he does.

He does. I occasionally will go watch 3 minutes of one just to see how bad it is. It's as bad or worse than you're assuming.

The comments are filled with the worst of "pest" faggotry. A bunch of people making chip jokes or saying things like "Chippah makes my weekend! Daddy like!" The other thing I get from the comments is that apparently every week Jim still goes out of his way to trash Opie. He's so fucking butthurt about getting rolled by the destroyer.

What’s the view count on those now? There’s no way he’s pulling in more than 5-10k a video.

Shockingly it hovers around 35-40k. I can't imagine how detestable people who still watch it must be.

Holy shit I had to check for myself. That’s insane. I wasn’t even making a joke with the 5-10k.

Wait til Jim goes NUCLEAR on Opie like he said he would! Any day now, man!

This kind of shit makes Jesus cry.

Stop making Jesus cry, stupid.

Jim is about the only person that Jesus never heard of.

What a try hard faggot in this picture. Norton sucks.


What a miserable existence. Zero dignity.


I don’t understand. When did everyone start hating on Jim?

Why the fuck did chip go from looking pissed and ready to go on a killing spree to effeminate mannerisms? Oh yeah he can't keep the homosexuality underneath the surface anymore and he uses Chip to express it outwardly to the universe. Fucking old queen.

Why hasn’t Chip killed himself?

The cucking that Lamar gave him has made him impervious to the embarrassing existence that he now calls his reality.

Chip is not real.

But that’s the whole thing. Jim isn’t real either. It’s only a matter of time before he is fully chip.

Who's the hole?

The 3 that Bobo thought was a 10 and wanted to pussy dive on at The Queen's Motor Inn.

The funny thing about coming to this sub is how none of this is on me. You are the people who enabled him, not me and other non OA fans. dont act like you are better than this

At least Bobo's finally not clenching his fists

Imagine if Chip is still the biggest thing Jim has going ten years from now.

How is the AIDS research doing these days? I think they really can extend life that far now.

Look how he's touching Bobo's arm. You can't fake that shit. Jim is a child molesting fucking queer. I hope he falls in a volcano.

Bobo is funnier than anyone in this photo.

Us civilians could never understand the """art""" that is comedy.

Jim not surprisingly has tiny hands I never noticed, maybe he can see the top of his pud with his fist around it after all.

One thing I know we can all agree on... Bobo needs to die.

I hate Nana’s “I’m just along for the ride here” face. Fucking follower.

Is that Bobos underage sister that ant was fucking ?

Ant just looks like a broken man

These live podcasts are pretty funny.. They've got me through some hard times.

I wonder how it felt watching all his friends and peers - Burr, Louie, Jefferies, Rogan, etc - shoot past him success-wise over the years while he has maintained the exact mediocre level of fame for 20 years.

Love the guitars on the wall. Any of the people in this photo would probably benefit greatly from a new hobby.

It's silly. And fun. And everyone involved is having fun. So where is the harm? Plus, Jim can do anything he wants, he is a fucking hilarious comedian

Jim wanted to go all in with Chip but was too timid to honor the original character. Jim would be funny if he went iut as Chip and took unexpecting people by surprise. Instead he'd rather play it safe and rehash queer jokes and allude to Jim Norton being a fag.

It’s a man with a funny wacky hat and a wig, next to another man in a wig and fake breasts and this is supposed to be funny. And then now he is stuck, he always has to make that face, because it’s part of the character. So he’s stuck making it and he is stuck with those glasses, and he can’t ever undo any of it because of his pride. He knows that most people think this is terrible, he knows that 40,000 views wouldn’t be impressive even if they were real, and he can’t stop because the people who told him so would be right.

Didn't this faggot used to sigh very heavily and make it known how much he couldn't stand Bobo every time Opie brought him on? Now Bobo is his idiot.

Anthony is so fucking horrendous looking

You cannot tell me there is not gay sex going on at that Den of Sodomy

Look at the way he's touching Bobo's arm. What an effeminate faggot.

To be fair fucking with Bobo was the best part of their stupid show

I think it's time that we expose Bobo... He definitely played up the retard angle for attention and free Yankees tickets. Don't get me wrong, he is without a doubt a socially inept low IQ individual. But a full blown retard like he portrays himself to be? Not a chance.

I was just re-watching the Colin and Bobo show yesterday. Bobo was there filling in for a man who once got him hammered and then drunkenly beat the shit out him on a live stream because Ant was in rehab for drunkenly beating the shit out a woman on a live stream.

Bobo did a live read for scam site Deep Discount with no complaints. While Bobo was there filling in for Ant's latest disastrous fuck-up for free, Keith the Cop humorlessly gave Bobo a hard time for briefly plugging his friend's burger joint. Keith acted like it was a big deal to give out a plug on the paywalled Compound Media network, which had just had its name changed to remove the name of the man who is supposed to be the big draw because his name had now become associated with woman-beating alongside a long history of racism and pedophilia.

Colin is one of the only people associated with O&A who's not just pure garbage. That show with Bobo is the one of the most interesting shows Bobo has been involved with and all Colin had to do was treat him like a human being.

Jimmy isn't retarded.

He also isn't a man.