Man records self crying to comic book movie. Posts it on the internet

43  2019-03-30 by NortheastPhilly



Why has he mad himself so hateable? Clerks is a good movie... i actually enjoyed jay and bob strike back as a child...

Clerks is fantastic. That was the one story he had in him.

Everything he's done since is pretentious garbage.

I have a small mind so i have never thought of it that way... i think chasing amy made me realize he was shit.

He lost me with Dogma.

I liked Dogma, but it was no Clerks

he almost ruined his own movie with that stupid ending a producer with sense told him to cut

Oh yeah i heard about that. Fucking edgelord douch.

It's on the DVD

What story did Fitzgerald have? That hunk of shit the great Gatsby? 'Oh Daisy! These towels are marvelous " fucking kill yourself Daisy you materialistic shallow cunt.

Clerks was shit and you are an idiot.

JD Salinger

Salinger literally has an anthology of short stories called Nine Stories.

He's always been kind of hateable. His cherished memories are of him and his faggot friends hanging out in front of a store

Me and my friends used to hang out by a drainage ditch

His fans are such fucking fags

dude weed lmao and obesity rofl

Why are so mad, child?

He was a big part of the poohs corner molestation bit so I'mma let this one slide like my fingers into his daughter.

I can’t stand this guy anymore. You are crying at a television show aimed at tweens on channel fucking 11. And felt the need to show it to the world nonetheless. Fucking kill yourself faggot.

Imagine almost dying and deciding the reason God kept you alive is to film yourself crying at children’s television shows.

It's all part of God's plan.

Why does he have a southern accent when he's from jersey

::Shudders:: ohhhh my god, that's embarrassing.

Shazam! is going to reduce him to a blubbering, inconsolable mess. He probably burst into tears today buying advance tickets for Avengers: Endgame.

Peaked with 'Red State', then straight downhill.

I was hoping he cried during Captain Marvel because, in the movie, Stan Lee breaks the fourth wall and says, “Kevin Smith is fucking faggot, faggots.”

His hand gesturing game is on point.


This closeted sissy makes me feel funny now about liking Clerks and Mallrats, back in the day.

I hope gets ALS. I’ve had a full dose of this freak show.


Why are so mad, child?

It's all part of God's plan.