Hey Joe, remember your parody song for "Baby, It's Cold Outside"?

90  2019-03-29 by crookedmile

The one you went on-and-on about on your social media for weeks, telling everyone how popular the song was, asking others to spread the word?

I inflated all of your Youtube views as a Christmas gift to myself. All of it was fake, bought and paid for 6 times over. Did you really think you received 60k legitimate views and only 16 comments? You are not an intelligent man.

But if it's any consolation, about 400 of those views are actually real, so there's a feather in your cap. Have a great weekend, you fucking retard



No reason really just had a bunch of Paypal credit for a damaged Wayfair order. Completely forgot about it until I was cleaning my files today

PayPal credit

It's called money, dumbbell.

Very true. Long story short: I got a refund on the chairs I ordered, got to the keep the original chairs ,and they sent a replacement set. Wayfair needs to step their return game up

We heard you

Because old Joey Cow Face was probably walking around with his head held high for months thinking "I still got it!!!". Well, guess what Joe, you don't have it and are still a failure. It's such a weird thing to do that it's hilarious.

You’re a weirdo

You do odd shit to people man

real talk.. how much was that? and how can I do that?

As least double digit from the look of it

Gotta college boy here

I am in need of 50$ bill in my mail, would you be so kind to send it to me?

The long con

Damn near a 4 month incubation.

Nice restraint, stupid.

For my next prank I’m going to mail $50 bills to the compound that’ll teach nana.

Totally legal folks

$50 rents a lot of Craigslist transexuals.

Well, you really showed him.

kinda gay on your part, weirdo

joe obsessed people esp the ones butthurt about drumpf politics are freaks

Stop injecting politics into everything you dirty fucking faggot

stop reading my post log creep

No way man, I'm following you everywhere just like you think I do. As a matter of fact, I've got a video about you right now that's collecting a bunch of views that I'm going to debut in August

i'm a character in your mind and you are nothing to me

i'm a character in your mind and you are nothing to me

This shit is so fucking gay. Is your favorite movie The Matrix?

i didnt intend it but that would go good in a morpheus voice

So, doesn't he make some money off the views?

No you don't get it. He paid $30 so that Joe could earn $3.

Wait what

It would have been funnier if you reported him to youtube for fake views and documented it. Then when they deleted the views, make this post. Why fuck with Joe if you're only going to half ass it?

I study youtube crime. I document it.

You and Pete Townshend

Why fuck with Joe if you're only going to half ass it?

I honestly just forgot. Guess my heart wasn't really in it. I will say I enjoyed him crowing about the numbers on Twitter and FB. If anyone can find those, it's pretty funny on the timeline

You are a fucking retard

Yeah probably

hey i got a soundcloud account you can "prank" too if you want

You really got him

I only sympathize with the grandmother from Singapore that has to repeatedly view that video

Retarded faggot.

I posted it on a forum a while ago, so count about 50-75 of those views as people listening specifically to make fun of it.

Ha ha holy shit!!! u/crookedsmile with the fucking long con. Seriously you are a fucking sage and are playing some high level 5D chess here. Fucking hardest I've laughed in a while and that's saying a lot with all the funny shit on this board. A true brotherman.

The fact that you all post endlessly about Joe Cumia and when this guy actually does something clever and funny as this, you give him shit shows you're all actually bigger faggots and pussies than joe. Think about that shit. The only thing damaged here will be bro Joe's ego, it's a victimless crime. This guy should be the most up voted on this boards history, but instead you talk shit. Fuck you pussies that don't find this funny.

He did something retarded that helped Joe and then came and posted about it like he really stuck it to him. It's retarded and so are you, I hope you die an awful death.

It didn't help him. He's living a lie thinking he did good. How is that not hilarious you fatherless faggot? Go fall on a knife, no one loves you.

Actually my father is still alive and both of my parents love me very much.

That's not what they say to the rest of your genetically stunted family.

My whole family is very good looking and healthy. Our genes are very good.

You post in this board, no they're fucking not. You can't even grasp humor you dolt.

Actually I'm very good at grasping humor.

Jesus Christ, are you fucking 15? Actually I am good at everything you say I'm not.... oh you sure got me there faggot. Go eat your mothers pussy if your genetics are so good you daft cunt.

daft cunt

British faggot cunt.

That's all? Jesus Christ you suck so bad at this.

Actually I'm very good at this.

Fucking yikes. Patrick go back to writing your sci-fi novels, you have a child to support that's being raised by a black man.


lol fag

I'm dealing with a 15 year old that never listened to the show live.

Actually I listened to the show live every day.

Say actually one more fucking time.


Hey man, some people spend hours editing documentaries or conducting phone interviews, I like fucking with YouTube views. I'm a wild man like that

You need to delete this username and register a new one.

You need to become a man one day.

I'm sure your version of that involves dollar store halloween hats and bottoming for transvestites.

I top that shit, while fucking brooooooding.

Hmm. That's... Um. What was your reasoning, again?

Too be fair, who'd take something like that into consideration? You're Looney Tunes.

fawwkin love the 'tism

Holy fuck

this isn't an own or even an eccentric prank like joecumia.com, it's just retarded and kind of pathetic

Wherever you go, there you are the biggest faggot.

you will die unnoticed

you will die a you lived, completely unnoticed

Are you speaking Italian?

God damn that's a slow burning bit. I remember BroJoe bovinely boasting about his parodies success. I actually felt bad for him for a second there.

Weird flex but alright

So you paid out of pocket to make someone else happy? Good for you, god bless.

No reason really just had a bunch of Paypal credit for a damaged Wayfair order. Completely forgot about it until I was cleaning my files today

Because old Joey Cow Face was probably walking around with his head held high for months thinking "I still got it!!!". Well, guess what Joe, you don't have it and are still a failure. It's such a weird thing to do that it's hilarious.

Actually I'm very good at grasping humor.

Jesus Christ, are you fucking 15? Actually I am good at everything you say I'm not.... oh you sure got me there faggot. Go eat your mothers pussy if your genetics are so good you daft cunt.

Fucking yikes. Patrick go back to writing your sci-fi novels, you have a child to support that's being raised by a black man.

stop reading my post log creep