Daily Mel

28  2019-03-29 by Grillskillz


That beaver knows what happens before the jacuzzi.

The downside is that the beaver is nowhere near as sexy as Oksana but the upside is that he can get a blowjob whenever he wants.

I heard this was actually really good, but I just can't bring myself to watch it.


Would have been 100X better if the beaver had shit on the Jews and called Jodie Foster sugar tits.

That would make any movie better.

It was really good and shows Mel's amazing range.

It wasn't dude. I mean it didn't fucking suck, but it wasn't that good.

It’s a half decent watch. I read about it beforehand and it got slaughtered. I realised that was because no one wanted Mel to have a comeback because it is enjoyable

The Daily Mel sounds like a newspaper I'd actually purchase a subscription for.

Much better than the Jerusalem post.

That fucking dragged across concrete movie you all recommended was a complete piece of shit.

Terrible writing, horrendous pacing, awkward dialogue timing. Atrocious. One of the worst movies i've watched in a long time.

You sound like a total faggot.

yeah, go ahead and tell me how that movie was good

It had Mel Gibson in it.

Fuckin told him.

I'll burn the Goddamn house down, but BLOW ME first! How dare you!!! How fucking dare you!!!

That really sucked more than Jimmy Norton sucking cocks.