Brother Joe stops by to pay the boys a visit

166  2019-03-29 by pashow84


Glorious 6'1" bastard

Ha ha, fat Jimmy.

I don’t know, I think he looked better fat. He at least had some kind of personality to his appearance, now he just looks like a dead stick bug.

He looks human when he's fat. Something recognizable that you could find on the street.

When he's skinny his whole unfortunate body starts going into uncanny valley territory and you're not sure what to think.

Wow. Perfectly said.

He looks like Dana White

Don Rickles

what? Jim looks great there. Happy and full of life. actually funny.

he's a skinny little asshole old queen now.

My dad says Joe only works hard during the playoffs. Sometimes, he doesn't even run down court.

Has your dad ever seen a grown man naked?

Have you ever been in a Tunisian prison?

Just realized Kareem Abdul Jabar was also 6’1”

Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes.

Nana, why are you standing like that?

Because Kevin Smith's thumb is up his ass.

Hey! fat Kevin Smith knew how to make more than 1 face

This was before he figured out the "I just sharted" expression was a good look for photos.

Kevin Smith is like “check it out, another guy who dresses like a 12 year old!”

Also a guy who wants to fuck his 12 year old

Didn’t Norton say something about how rare it is to meet a 70 year old that tall during this interview. He sure knows how to bum out a guest.

Oh man, Kareem looks devastated

Not like he can have a meaningful discussion with that trio of retardation

"So, statistically, you're probably going to die soon. How does that make you feel? Go."

(Flails arms frantically)

Nice body Jim.. slob hack

Kevin Smith's hockey jersey phase. Yikes.

Better than his surprised raccoon getting caught in the garbage face phase

haha i enjoy the joke, but who's the model in the middle?

Nice V neck faggot

Look out the little guy does try to suck your cock.

Oh look, it's crybaby Kevin Smith in a rare moment sans tears.

Antwan and Kareem

I wonder how many schedules crashed that day...

Its amazing how more healthy Kevin looked when he was a great big fat guy

Don Rickles