Filthy street shitters defecate all over airplane. Whata bunch dirty bastards.

21  2019-03-29 by PhishInVa2


I was assured these people were all brain surgeons and rocket scientists. What happened?!

Evolution skipped over them.

What a horrific culture. What is with their obsession with their own shit? It’s like they have to have it around them at all times.

How long could this flight have possibly been??

I think they are on the tarmac waiting to take off.

Holy fuck. I didnt even consider that. Theyre worse than i can even imagine.

That must have been one ripe airplane. Too bad the pilot from Germanwings was not at the helm.

Thats considered a clean airplane compared to most Indian Airline flights.

The video is Saudi Arabian airlines

and the passengers are from Ethiopia

Holy fucking shit. We don't trash these fuckers nearly enough.

All of the special and preferable things about our world are because of us. We ARE the unshitted streets. They ARE the shitted streets. There's nothing special about our civilization, it's the people who build and maintain it who make it what it is. I believe there will be a first time that I see human shit on the street during my lifetime. I have never seen human shit on the street. I will and it will be these people who shitted it.

Been in San Francisco lately? They have a notorious feces in the streets problem.

They have to hand out maps - showing people which streets to avoid because the streets are riddled with homeless feces.

I take the 6 train 3 days a week....the platforms & stairs, come summertime, will be ripe with the aroma of homeless piss & shit.

Not comparing us to these animals. This is only in a few urban spots. Regular citizens of India seem to prefer shitting in streets or holes dug in the ground. The amount of "rural shitting" that takes place by those people is insane.

I'm just saying - were not completely "unshitted" here. Where there are mentally ill hobos & Indian people - there will be shitty streets

Indians truly are the most disgusting race on the planet. This is a people that find it ok to bathe/wash their clothes in a river consisting literally of shit, trash, and dead bodies.

Is that the cockpit of their space craft?

I flew Air India from Heathrow to JFK and it was the worst flight I have ever been on. Never again.

Smell? Food?

Most certainly smell. Imagine packing 600 of them into a tin can for 8 hours. The whole time I was hoping it would depressurize at 33,000 feet.

Street shitters of the world

Unite and take over!