Reminder: Jim Norton accepted $60,000 in charity for fans to produce more episodes of his awful cartoon. When he got nothing but negative feedback for the cartoon he put the money in his pocket and walked away.

287  2019-03-29 by TheWelfareMan

This is EXACTLY what happened, he's a fucking cocksucker.


Nordic cockswomen are expensive

Why would you give him money? I suppose those comedy show ain’t selling like they used to....

Already has said that his Chip podcasts outdraw his comedy shows. Ahhh. To be a prop comic - what a funny twist to his career. He bring out the old douche joke that he used to do with a real douche.

Shows you how bad his comedy is

No, a douche was definitely involved.

Man that cartoon sucked bad

Animation was horrendous, and I dont recall thinking anything at all was funny

It was all fart jokes and gross-outs. It really had nothing to do with Chip.

It really was a piss poor man's Ren and Stimpy

Describes it better than anything else I've heard.

The J&S show should be called Hen and Simpy



Jim never saw Ren and Stimpy, it was made after 1982.

Thats all Jim Norton's comedy is. 95% of what he did on the show was fart and make comments on it. Fucking disgusting as a 40 year old adult.

It was literally like watching a Nickelodeon cartoon from the mid-90's.

CSK gave me a chuckle.

That dumb fuckin character being funny was an illusion. The only thing funny about it was Anthonys reaction to it. It made Nana laugh from how dumb it was and Norton mistaked that as genuine laughter. Imagine listening to chip riff by himself. Yuck, Norton truly is a zero and his success is symbiotic - meaning he is a leech.

Written by Jennifer Carmody

“They’re stingin my peckah! DVV DVV DVV D DVVVV!”

Do you have a link? Idk how but I can’t remember it at all.

Worm has expunged it from youtube

Anyone who crowdfunds a pro entertainers project is a blithering idiot.

Adam Carolla agrees.

it's mental to think how many people just throw money away like that, i watch a few different youtubers who make all sorts a month and i just think fuck paying for this

Especially "entertainers" within the O&A universe. Nothing but scams.

I'm sure Von will have the Patrice documentary ready any day now. Oh, don't let me forget to pay Bob Kelly for the video of him falling down that snowy mountain to eight seconds.

Can you imagine how lucky we would all be if we can could annual fund raisers for every dead loved one?

Nice "can could," stupid.

Anyone who crowdfunds anything is an idiot. GoFundMe is a scammer's paradise.

That guy from scrubs never fully recovered.

I haven't heard from him since that controversy.

to be fair, if your show lasts 5 years. you basically end up typecast and become impossible to employ. Elaine from Seinfeld and the Janitor from Scrubs are the only people in tv history that have 3 shows lasting 5 seasons

good point. Pretty amazing when you think about Larry David, he created and wrote in the funniest show ever then followed it up by creating, writing and starring in another iconic comedy show.

He wasn't on camera in Seinfeld, dummy. Your post is irrelevant.

I see.

the wife of Neil Gaiman, a highly successful writer and producer of the last 20 years, gets a million dollars a year from idiot fans of hers on Paetron.

Who is she?

Can we raise 60 grand to get him to end Jim & Sam?

Couldn't we also raise 60 grand to get someone else to end Jim and Sam?

I know a Peruvian who will do it for $500 and lunch.

$5k is still out there to shut down the sub

Anthony cant affors that these days

Racists can make contacts. It's enforceable

he motherfucked them

No the truth is the dumb sack of shit got grifted hard by two Jewish men.

Working with them in the first place would be his mistake, so it's still on him. Why would you trust people who literally refer to you as cattle? Do you really think a Jew would EVER treat goyim fairly?


How do you not know the deeplore just watch Porsalin's doc

And he was trying to raise $200k. He was mad at the criticism and that the truckers didn't give him more.

Mad at the working man, his fans. Entitled lil worm.

He fucking came here promising more cartoons were coming and rewards were being mailed out shortly.

I hate how this sub stops at "if you donated, you're retarded". It's the clearest example of Jim being a lying wormy sack of shit. He should have had to follow up with this by now.

It's both. Retards mad that they got wormed.

Why is this post poignant?

Because a front-page link to /r/movies discussing Toy Story 4 mentions Jim Normton, and has links to this sub.

The most positive press anybody from the Opie & Anthony Show has had in a decade.

And by pocket you mean the boipucci of a Valhallan knight of a man.

Varg Rasmussen's Louboutins didn't pay for themselves.

Total piece of shit. The crowdfunding was for a series of episodes but then baby boy Norton just releases little clips of animated segments of his podcast. That’s NOT what the funding promised you lying cocksucker.

I’d love him actually have to follow through, spend the money what it was intended for and see what an awful show he would have written.

Yeah, anyone who donated is a retard. But how fucking ___ is it that Jim asked his fans to foot the bill for that shit in the first place? Even if he had actually put any effort into it, this wormy fag made millions doing the easiest job in the world. He has no expenses besides housing.

But he wasn't going to pay for it because he knew it was doomed from the start. It was a project created for the sole purpose of forcing his ex-girlfriend to spend time with him. He was willing to absolutely humiliate himself by putting his name on that and sending it out into the world for people to see. He traded his dignity for a brief period of time spent with his disinterested ex-girlfriend. These two pics perfectly sum up the complete beta role he plays in that relationship.

It astounds me any woman who isn’t a tranny hooker would sleep with this worm for free, let alone date him.

nothing with a tranny hooker is free. probably made that mealy worm pay triple, good for him.

Was this the gf he had in 2007/08?

They weren’t even in a real relationship. Don’t kid yourself.

Did he ever give a proper explanation? Without talking in circles around it?

Jim Nortin once appeared from his awful apartment to join the Chip podcast. Seriously, that was it.

Ive wondered this as well

Doesn't stop the clueless helminthic fraud from hassling Bobo about being a crowdfunding scam artist.


I learned a new word today.

Yeah.... Whatever happened to that cartoon?

But these sound like the actions of a thin-skinned, passive aggressive, vindictive homosexual. Is there any other evidence of this? Perhaps of Jim Mortan pouting and glaring his way through an interview he tried unsuccessfully to block with an infinitely superior comedian, or something like that?

The worst part is that he probably thought it was his ticket to the big leagues

This sub is here for a reason. Some awful people have gotten away with some awful things. Worm, Patton the Ripper, that pack of wops. We can’t let them get away with it

No, you see, Cokelogic made some GoAnimate shorts of the Chip podcast for $50 a piece. The contract was fulfilled.


He is a cocksucker; if you were stupid enough to feed the worm any money you're a cocksucker and a stupid cunt to boot though. Fuck all of them.

to be honest the OnA fans who loved Jimmy the most of r the trio are the retards that paid , they deserve to be scammed

Don't forget that he deleted the teaser and the first episode to try and hide how awful it was.

Tsss, serves you right for trusting an unstable, self-serving worm like Jim, or sumpin

Even D.L. Hughley stayed the fuck away from that catastrophe.

I'd rather watch Sam drink cum fresh from the bottle than watch that stupid fucking annoying cartoon ever again. WORST writing and animation I ever seen. Of course it fucking sucked a fan wrote it

Got Nick Mullen a writing job for a week tho

I'm honestly surprised that nobody has beaten the shit out of him

All from a Opie looking for animation this morning

If you enjoyed that saga I recommend WingsofRedemption. Almost the same person.

And he hates animation and never watched The Simpsons.

Don't forget he also remodeled his apartment soon after.

Anyone remember what the worms excuse was for pocketing 60 fuckin grand? The drgenerate shit he probably spent that extra cash on.....guy is a millionaire and he crowd funded a shitty cartoon that flopped. More so who in the world would fucking donate to that garbage?

I'm sure Von will have the Patrice documentary ready any day now. Oh, don't let me forget to pay Bob Kelly for the video of him falling down that snowy mountain to eight seconds.

How do you not know the deeplore just watch Porsalin's doc