The most Reddit post to ever be posted on reddit

3  2019-03-29 by Single_Action_Army


If we could seppuku this place to kill the entirety of reddit (and cause suicides) it'd be done pretty quick

We’d need to somehow convince every user on reddit of the same psychological deadlocks that seems to still haunt japan and their tentacle rape loving fucked up mindsets.

The japanese and islamic terrorists are the only ones who have been bombed so much that killing themselves out of shame is an accepted part of their culture.

I can only hope the worst.

these people masturbate to cartoons

Playing with your dick is like eating the mushroom in super Mario bruh right gang

Seriously, people here must’ve been rich or lucky to have had such fun filled childhoods. I’m in my 30s and while I’m not rich or where I want to be, and yes things aren’t perfect because life is hectic and shit takes a long time, I’m having fun with how things are going. I’m getting there and working on myself and getting better, but I’m also having fun in the process. I used be full of anxiety and depression; now I’m handling it and looking better and better. I’ve never had a gf when I was younger; now I do. I never could stay up late playing video games without getting in trouble; now I can do that in my own place in my boxers and with beer if I want to. I had jobs where I didn’t feel fulfilled or see much growth; I now have a career that I enjoy. I never had confidence to do a lot of things; while I still struggle with it, I’m more sociable than when I was younger and enjoy chatting up random strangers at a bar or at work or at the supermarket.

Someone posted a video of a dad getting hyped up because he got a Costco card and went shopping and brought home stuff at good prices; fuck it, my weekend looks free other than working out, boxing, and hanging out my girl, so I’m gonna go get a Costco card and get a hotdog because it’s the best feeling to know that I can just because.

I think a lot of the accounts on Reddit are fake- while the initial post may be from someone who exists, I believe a healthy amount of the comments are from fake or multiple alt accounts.

Reddit is just middleware for marketing firms

It seems like Costco just gets name dropped along with great prices for no reason so I’m inclined to agree with you.

Dammit. Now you are making me want a Costco hot dog.... or the Chicken Bake... no wait the BBQ Brisket Sandwich.... fuck I am hungry.

You sound like can happy version of me

That’s just a comment from the thread.

This isn’t a Gayest Post competition. That said, those hot dogs are a pretty great deal, have one on me.