13% of the population 50% of the prison population. Why? Why?

14  2019-03-29 by breewagoner


Dawn's almost a cutie. & she has the dignity to not boast about getting an allowance.

Anthony looks at least 15 years older than Joe.

Black dont crack

His hair is made from Scott Tenorman's pubes.

GODDAMNIT! It's that fucking shirt again

I wonder which of them walks around with more cum in their belly.

No question it is Nana. Not even close.

At least the siblings didn't use their rich brother's money to pay a mad scientist doctor to mutilate their genitalia and insist on people calling them by a gender they aren't. Anthony only paid a mentally ill man, like you, to fuck him.

Anthony looks like a corpse.

Nana bin Laden on the left.

Which one is the "unapologetically masculine" one again?

Think Dawn takes it in the turd cutter?

A rare picture where the Cumia brothers aren't grabbing their sister's tits.

Joe’s gotta be grabbing her ass, I’m sure of it.

The ol' bowling grip

Where's Joe's hand resting, I wonder.

Tony Two Stains

Black dont crack

His hair is made from Scott Tenorman's pubes.