For Fun i'm doing a geneology of the Cumias to find all the colored relatives

12  2019-03-29 by ElFaporino

Anybody wanna volunteer to call Joe to get information? I bet if you just call and ask for his Social Security Number, he'd probably give it to you



Just tell him you're from Geek Squad and need it to clear his computer of gay porn viruses.

well then he'd immediately hang up because he doesn't want that


Well to Add to Joe's Retardation, Joe Sr, was apparently actually Joe Jr, which makes BroJoe the Third

'And Ant's Great Grandfather's Draft Card lists him as White'

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I guess if he was going to get gassed or shot in the face the more italians the better

Joe Sr. was born Yusuf Ibn Abdullah al-Qumiyyah in Caltanissetta, Sicily (ar. Qalat an-Nisa) in July 1937 AD (Rabbi'ul Thani 1356 AH).

Peace be upon him

Does Anybody know Roe's Parent's names? i'm getting nothing on her side. And a million stupid Joe Cumias