Amber from Chapo is hotter than any woman any of you have fucked, ever

0  2019-03-28 by UltraLordIzReal


We heard you last time. Shut up.

Sorry but I'm going to repeat this as many times as necessary until people acknowledge the truth.

That you're gay? We all already acknowledge that.

Considering she's not hot at all, I'll disagree.

I finally googled who she was so I can understand that thread title

I can confidently say, besides girls I’ve paid for, that I’ve only banged uglies and fatties and no, she isn’t hotter than they are

she might be better looking than the average Krokodil junkie from Russia

Yeah I wasn’t even messing around with that post. She looks very unhealthy, pale as shit with a pushed back hairline.

certainly very ugly. OP must be trolling, cannot be seriously making that point.

google images says no

Oh you're being ironic

Did she walk into a wall and get stung by 1000 bees simultaneously? Is it possible to contract downs syndrome later in life??? I demand answers!

The Nagel boy caught the downs pretty late in life.

Why do you keep posting this? I don't even know who that is. At least post a picture of the beast when you spam this shit.

She looks like a bloated dead body

That assertion and it's lack of accuracy is a real confidence boost. Thank you. I guess I'm doing a lot better than I thought.

Shut up, retard.

That’s actually not true

don't post a picture of her as we are all avid listeners of said podcast and know exactly what she looks like.