All yours b b b boys

13  2019-03-28 by Godhand5150


Cut to 10 years later he's getting butt fucked in a gay orgy yep that's what we call love

3 years from that hes dying on shit stained mattress at some free tax payer funded AIDs clinic in Carnsie. "It was all about love, right????"

High on MDMA and meth getting fucked behind a dumpster in his Petri dish asshole. So beautiful

Nice profound words, stupid.

Never happened.

If only it had been linked from some kind of sub dedicated to mocking stories that didn’t happen.

Get back to prepping the bull for your mother you stupid twat.


I had an experience like this with my dad but he just told me to nut up and stop being a crybaby faggot.

I've never been so fucking proud of anyone in my life.

Why do people make this shit up? It insults my considerable intelligence.

That’s cuz I’ll be downstairs banging the hot fat chicks

I called him pissy eyes and returned to my job; stealing change from vending machines.

I try to think but nothing happens .