Christopher Titus has superpowers

38  2019-03-28 by OpieAnthonyIncels


Bunch of men acting like teenage girls

“We police our own” Look out civilians, we’ll handle this!

Bunch of fags

execpt (((amy Schumer))) lol

who is this directed at chad or sam?

Some fag is sticking up for another fag who was getting ripped on by a fag who knows the waitstaff's names

Fucking who?

He was on TV 20 years ago

And his show was dog shit.

And a Fox Exec screwed him out of his syndication deal because he couldn't control his temper and yelled at one of those "network execs."

And by that I mean Jew broads who don't fight Draculas.

That's the story he told anyway. I don't buy that this guy has ever yelled about anything offstage.

This what it sounds like When Cucks Cry

God damn is every comedian a fucking faggot?

Yes, except for a select few (e.g. Colin, Norm, Stanhope)

Colin and Norm aren't funny and Stanhope punches down far to much.

Ron White and Penn and Teller are pretty cool and not faggots.

Sir, I request that you die.

That is not very Christian of you.

You are a very corny man. I hope someone breaks your glasses.

There's no such thing as punching down. Or up, for that matter.

Anyone who uses that term should be bullied into submission

Death. It's the only solution.

I literally can’t even right now.

They're men who live for attention. What do you expect?


comedians act like they're in this elite fucking club and everyone else is civilians. like it's more difficult than all other art forms

Dude don't you get it? WE don't get it!

The barrier to entry is probably the easiest. But it is littered with 1000's upon 1000's of faggots. Unfortunately, the creme doesn't always rise to the top.

Honestly most comedians are giant fags who have a child like starvation for attention which is why their career choice was getting on a stage and screaming " LOOK AT ME PLEASE LIKE ME". They all have some sort of mental disorder

As someone who wanted to be a comedian when I was younger this is 100% accurate lmao

O&A inspired me to do it but then I did open mics for a year and I was like oh shit I can do this for like 10 years and still be broke and irrelevant. I just want money but only like 5% of comedians can actually make a livable wage from just doing sets. It's kind of a stupid fucking career decision.

Also I'm writing this while waiting to do videography at a Just For Laughs audition lol. I see so many comics from when I did it like 5 years ago, when a lot of them had 3+ years of experience. They're all fucking still at square one trying to make it.

meanwhile you're doing their videography. fucking janitor lol

$100 for an hour. first time i ever did it lol it was a favor to my friend because he could only film the first three sets

Not only do 5% make it, but now you have to pander to an NPC liberal faggot audience or your automatically out...and you have to steal bits. I swear I here newer comics do C.K. bits almost to the word all the time on ComedyCentralXM. (Notjing to listen to anymore, Faction Talk is fucking abysmal). Men Comics = "Women are so strong, toxic masculinty is bad, lgbt is awesome. Women Comics = "My pussy smells, im a slut, dicks afe ugly, I play with ny period juice",

Many of them readily admit this.

Too bad he doesn’t have a superpower that makes him funny

Or interesting. You ever hear him on a podcast? Holy goddamn shit. More like Chris BOREus.

I heard him on a radio show years ago and he was shilling for Landmark Forum. A self-help seminar cult. Yeah he’s a huge bore.

The guy used to get beat up by his ex wife. He is as scary as a basket of kittens

She was 6'1" and 270lbs. It was no small feat.

Hi Zumock! Is this like your 5th alt account on here? Quit trying to get the respect of this place and maybe check in with the state of Ohio about your warrant for shoplifting.

Is this an /u/ichise8 alt?

I forgot about this cut rate tim allen guy

Why do comedians think they practice an "art"? Stand up comedy is a dead "artform" anyway.

What a fucking badass. I have goose bumps. Watch out for this guy he'll tell you how it is.

Was he originally one of the superkids?

Has Christopher Titus been relevant since 2002?

Was he relevant before 2002? Who actually watched that overwrought unfunny series? It tried to be Roseanne for men, but ended up being Grace Under Fire for fags.

His Super power was making a movie called “ Special Unit “ which looks like it cost $400 to make including Bill Gardells salary.

Too bad he doesn't have superpower to stop his wife from cucking him.

Christopher Titus asshole checks dudes

Think of this as me checking your asshole, bro!

I hope you guys appreciate that comedians are going after Patton. This could cause a ripple and lead to other infighting in the Craft community.

As much as everyone here hates Crowder, they had a debate and Titus ended up looking retarded.

Crowder bullied the fuck out of him. Crowder in general is kind of faggy, but sometimes he lays a good egg.

This guy acts like he still has a career going..

This cuck got bullied by Steven Crowder, think about that. Oh yeah he's a big bad bully.

Yes, except for a select few (e.g. Colin, Norm, Stanhope)

They're men who live for attention. What do you expect?


meanwhile you're doing their videography. fucking janitor lol

Not only do 5% make it, but now you have to pander to an NPC liberal faggot audience or your automatically out...and you have to steal bits. I swear I here newer comics do C.K. bits almost to the word all the time on ComedyCentralXM. (Notjing to listen to anymore, Faction Talk is fucking abysmal). Men Comics = "Women are so strong, toxic masculinty is bad, lgbt is awesome. Women Comics = "My pussy smells, im a slut, dicks afe ugly, I play with ny period juice",