Old British Faggot takes shots at Fat American Pig

122  2019-03-28 by FezTwatley


John Cleese is a good egg. What's the British equivalent? A smashing slice of eel pie?

Absolutely. Python is amazing... but I gotta use the hip lingo the kids on this sub use.

He's great in A Fish Called Wanda.

Cleese is an english faggot despite python having some good bits

hes said a lot of retarded things over the years in his usual pompous british faggot style

glad hes going after the pig

despite python having some good bits

Yeah its only some of the most iconic and influential comedy ever but i guess most of it stunk.

have you actually watched all their stuff or just clips?

their show had 45 episodes about 30 mins each tell me you watched 20+ hours of iconic material dummy

i think Python is good and Cleese is often a faggot. both can be true

Shut up, stupid.

so so so so you're admitting you're wrong stupid?

No, I'm saying you're an idiot. Talk to me like that again and I'll kick the teeth out of your cocksucker mouth.

bet you knocked your own out to help suck more british cock

Keep embarrassing yourself, fagbag. We all know you're gay and stupid.



Calm down Mr. Lundegaard.

To be fair 80% of Monty Python was utter shit.

We can't all be this funny.

That was ironic, shithead. Nice digging

The one I originally wanted to post was so fucking bad it got deleted so I couldn't link it.


Maybe we got off on the wrong foot.

Look I just want to make fun of people and their families and hypocritically ignore my past fagginess.

Ew did you really post a normal-reddit meme? Kill yourself faggot. Also dont spoil my ops.

No level of irony can make "this is a chapo sub y'all" a statement that is not gay and retarded. And fuck off with your faggot "ops" nobody cares or noticed how clever you were.

Alright. You're cool and I'm not. You win.

To be fair, while Cleese is fantastic, and Monty Python was great, no matter how great they are, all of the members of Monty Python, with the exception of Terry Gilliam, are by definition faggots, simply because they are British.

Theater fags who started a comedy "troupe" in their english high school. Nothing gayer than that. But damn funny chaps they were.

What's the British equivalent?

I think it's "Jolly Crumpet."

Good egg is a British saying old chap

In 1972 maybe. More like "a spicy curry" or "a raped schoolchild" since the Islamic enrichment.

These days, I think “A good follower of Allah”, or something, I dunno.

Or something with a "u" where it shouldn't be

He also has let himself get divorced three times and still got married again like a dope.

A bloody good tin of spotted dick?

Fawlty Towers reruns are funnier than any Netflix comedy specials

Fawlty Towers is so good that it's timeless. It's still funny nowadays across many generations and it even has a huge appeal across different cultures. It's on par with Mr Bean's worldwide acclaim. I can't think of anything in recent history on the same league. Talking about your fat disgusting pussy doesn't even have appeal in the here and now.

Heheheh, a guy in a dress. That's not normal.

Not now, stupid

It's hilarious though.

John Cleese is a national fucking treasure.

"Jolly" is a polite euphemism for fat for someone of his generation.

If Amy responds at all, it will be something extremely serious and emotional.

Well it is coming from a privileged white man

I haven't seen her special, but I think this "joke" is from one of the 15 minute sets of some no name fat black chick.

Monty Python knew the way to keep their comedy as funny as possible, don't let women do any of the funny parts.

If that meant a guy in a dress was necessary for the bit to keep it as funny as possible they were all down.

Don't waste funny parts on a lady.

He was in my city last year with his "last time to see me before I die" tour. Top lad !

My favorite comedian of all time.

"hugely" "jolly"

fuckin legend

If he hadn’t thrown in “likable,” I would have thought he was talking about Schumer.

“My pussy...SMELLS...like a SMALL?....BARNYARD ANIMAL! OK?”

“I was ROIPED! Why is that OK?!”

-comedy in 2019

No shit, Laura.

And he complimented her (at least plausibly) up front so she can't say anything without being a cunt. This is funny and well thought out.

His silly walks alone are funnier than Shumer's whole career.

It's funnier than most comedy careers. The only thing of Shumer's I'd rather see is her brutal death.

Python is and will always be awesome

Fawlty Towers is so good that it's timeless. It's still funny nowadays across many generations and it even has a huge appeal across different cultures. It's on par with Mr Bean's worldwide acclaim. I can't think of anything in recent history on the same league. Talking about your fat disgusting pussy doesn't even have appeal in the here and now.